The Neroon-class

Good all round firepower in e2, but the forward firepower is unusually low for a ship of that size. Is mounting improved neutron lasers all round though!

In fact the forward imp neutron laser firepower is less than the Sharkaan and equal to the Shantavi.
Nightmares about Minbari said:
I can see a time where the Naroon would be used, 20-30 point Armageddon battles where you really need to rack up Armageddon level ships just to keep the number of figures in use down.

But in more normal level games, at battle priority and below the Naroon offers less victory points when destroyed than a pair of sharlins or other war ships.

Also not all battles are determined by allocation points, there might be campaign situations or special scenarios where you can only send one ship, and a Naroon is generally better than a single Sharlin.

Funny. ;) A friend and I did ten Armageddon points last week. He had two old Shadow box fleets to toss on the table and I used one Vorlon box with ISA support. I'm not sure I would have used the Naroon even then.