Cosmic Mongoose
Yes! As I've mentioned previously, I did a campaign using T4 Imperial Squadrons rules of the Vargr invasion of Corridor during the Rebellion. The basis being the removal of the Corridor Fleet to fight in the Imperial core, leaving just local forces to resist the Vargr.Agreed. Virus does that. Wave does that. (I'm afraid a 2300AD Invasion will do that - the original did) The Rebellion doesn't necessarily do that. It was just handled poorly, with nothing useable until Chuck Gannon came around with Hard Times. Which coincidently is the period after 1125.
If done right, the period 1116-1125 could be done at a more playable scale, but the way it was done: advancing to 1120 and having Glisten and beyond already overrun was and still is annoying. On the other hand, a 5FW wargame with another set of scenarios on the same map and ruleset set for the Rebellion era could be tons of fun. You could even have starting positions based on the outcome of the 5FW board game.
And if you wanted ihatei taking down a high population world, you could do it Invasion Earth style: Or at least on a 1000 kilometre per hex world map. You'd end up with a scattering of resisting worlds and not a neat line on a map. Same on the Coreward frontier with Vargr bands perhaps overrunning low population worlds, but fighting on or bypassing high population worlds. Add in a breakdown of command with nobles and admirals fending for themselves, especially in Deneb sector, and it could be a completely chaotic mess with tons of room for adventure and both large and small scales.
The key for Vargr we found was to judiciously use their forces against digestable target systems in Corridor.