So, I know this movie has been out for a while, but I just watched for the second time (I work at a theater, so I often have to watch a movie multiple times due to my job description), and I got all sorts of cool ideas (pun not intended) for my LW game, inclusing a really nasty point of including a freeze storm like the one that occured over Manhattan Island, only having the storm happen in Kalte of course...
That and the film reminded me a lot of Hoth from Empire Strikes Back for some reason this time round... it might have been a slight impression Dennis Quiad made as he didn't seem too far off from Han Solo's survival instincts....
Or maybe watching the film twice warped my fragile little mind....
Any other Kalte fans get a kick out of the film?
That and the film reminded me a lot of Hoth from Empire Strikes Back for some reason this time round... it might have been a slight impression Dennis Quiad made as he didn't seem too far off from Han Solo's survival instincts....
Or maybe watching the film twice warped my fragile little mind....
Any other Kalte fans get a kick out of the film?