Raven Blackwell
Yes, I know it sound blasphemous, but hear me out. I like the Mongoose basic system and combat system used for Conan. I liked the basic premise for Sorcery, but found it limiting, which is why I am in the process of redesigning it. However, I am feeing confined by Howard's Hyborian world and timeline and my players always feel they are living in the shadow of a certain Cimmerian. So in the interest of exploring new options, I am deciding to experiment with a world, in Dark Tower parlance, next Door to the Hyborian world where I can stretch my creative wings. I have considered making the world less politically fractured, a little less dark, notch up the Sorcery content a small amount- no D&D metamagic or common [or for that matter safe] magical artefacts though. Also I have a plan to create a Hyborian Empire modeled on the Roman Empire of old, a Stygian Hegemony that combines the old Stygians with the precepts of Islamic fanatism. [I even plan to have these two repressive political structures share a border- what fun! 8)] Other countries would be modifed, the geography reshaped a little and I'd be adding a new race- the Keltoi, based on the warriors-poets of pre-Christian Celtic Myth. There'd be no non-human races- at least no wholesome ones. And oh yeah, I'd throw in the Lovecraftian/Howardian ancient civilizations and horrors.
My players are looking forward to it and I have laready started drawing up the new maps. If anyone wants a copy of the material I am making for the world as I create it, let me know and I 'll set up a mailing list.
Over and Out,
My players are looking forward to it and I have laready started drawing up the new maps. If anyone wants a copy of the material I am making for the world as I create it, let me know and I 'll set up a mailing list.
Over and Out,