As it has been noted before on this forum, stealth is a very much hit or miss affair; one roll and its all or nothing.
May I offer a small solution called Partial Lock On.
Simply, it reduces the number you have to roll by 1, and you gain a partial lock on. So if a 5 was needed for full lock on and a 4 were rolled, then a partial lock on would have been achieved.
The player could then choose between either having a single weapon fire at half AD or all weapons that can bear at quarter AD.
Its a solution, not brilliant I know as you can still miss completely, but it does alleviate the problem slightly.
Constructive Comments and Suggestions Please.
May I offer a small solution called Partial Lock On.
Simply, it reduces the number you have to roll by 1, and you gain a partial lock on. So if a 5 was needed for full lock on and a 4 were rolled, then a partial lock on would have been achieved.
The player could then choose between either having a single weapon fire at half AD or all weapons that can bear at quarter AD.
Its a solution, not brilliant I know as you can still miss completely, but it does alleviate the problem slightly.
Constructive Comments and Suggestions Please.