So I'm going to start running a Conan game and we are scheduling our first session for January. I have 5 players and they are going to start at first level. They are a Hyrkanian Nomad, a Zamoran thief, a Zingaran soldier, a Bossonian borderer, and a scholar from Khitai.
My current idea is to have them meet in a outpost town in the Border Kingdoms that is run by a Nemedian noble who outlasted his welcome in his homeland. The town normally is just a stopping point for caravans, smugglers and wanderers but for a brief time every summer the town swells with visitors for some sort of festival. Things get rather rowdy, and the Nemedian running things jails whoever he sees fit without much reason, he just wants it to look like he is doing justice but doesn't want to put any effort into making sure he has the right people. Three of the PCs have been jailed this way: the soldier, the thief and the nomad. The scholar, who has been travelling companion to the nomad on their journey westward, has met a couple interesting people in the 2 days he has spent trying to get his friend out of jail. The first person is our PC Borderer, who has been working as part of the town's expanded police force but has grown to dislike the town and the people who run it. The second is a stranger in very rich but tattered, dirty clothing who claims to need help. He claims to be a wealthy merchant whose caravan was ambushed by one of his business rivals. His bodyguards survived long enough to allow himself and his pregnant wife to flee, but he fears this rival is still out in the countryside looking for him to finish off the job. To make matters worse, his wife is pregnant and due any day. He has hidden her in a cave a short journey from town, but he needs help if he is to get back home with his wife safely. He offers not only gold upon his arrival back home, but also claims to have a collection of books that are no use to him but the scholar may find some use of. They are rumored to be the former possessions of a sorceror, but the merchant doesn't believe such nonsense. He would gladly turn them over to anyone who helped him get his family home. The merchant's tale is half-true. He and his wife are on the run, and she is pregnant. But they are running from his wife's noble father and a former priest of Mitra turned witchhunter. The creature in his wife's belly is not human, but is in fact a demonspawn that the merchant and his sorcerer partner have plotted to bring into this world in exchange for vast power...
I'm looking for critiques and ideas on how to expand this.
My current idea is to have them meet in a outpost town in the Border Kingdoms that is run by a Nemedian noble who outlasted his welcome in his homeland. The town normally is just a stopping point for caravans, smugglers and wanderers but for a brief time every summer the town swells with visitors for some sort of festival. Things get rather rowdy, and the Nemedian running things jails whoever he sees fit without much reason, he just wants it to look like he is doing justice but doesn't want to put any effort into making sure he has the right people. Three of the PCs have been jailed this way: the soldier, the thief and the nomad. The scholar, who has been travelling companion to the nomad on their journey westward, has met a couple interesting people in the 2 days he has spent trying to get his friend out of jail. The first person is our PC Borderer, who has been working as part of the town's expanded police force but has grown to dislike the town and the people who run it. The second is a stranger in very rich but tattered, dirty clothing who claims to need help. He claims to be a wealthy merchant whose caravan was ambushed by one of his business rivals. His bodyguards survived long enough to allow himself and his pregnant wife to flee, but he fears this rival is still out in the countryside looking for him to finish off the job. To make matters worse, his wife is pregnant and due any day. He has hidden her in a cave a short journey from town, but he needs help if he is to get back home with his wife safely. He offers not only gold upon his arrival back home, but also claims to have a collection of books that are no use to him but the scholar may find some use of. They are rumored to be the former possessions of a sorceror, but the merchant doesn't believe such nonsense. He would gladly turn them over to anyone who helped him get his family home. The merchant's tale is half-true. He and his wife are on the run, and she is pregnant. But they are running from his wife's noble father and a former priest of Mitra turned witchhunter. The creature in his wife's belly is not human, but is in fact a demonspawn that the merchant and his sorcerer partner have plotted to bring into this world in exchange for vast power...
I'm looking for critiques and ideas on how to expand this.