Starfield Release Date announced


Emperor Mongoose
I posted a few months ago that BethSoft was making a game that I thought would be VERY Traveller-like, a game called 'Starfield'.
Well, the company has announced the release date yesterday. The theoretical announced release date is 06 SEPT 23, but it should be said that BethSoft hasn't turned out a game on time since forever.
I find myself of two minds about this. Like most computer and console gamers, I've been jerked over by the AAA companies so often that I simply don't trust them anymore. On the other, 'Starfield' hits button that I've long wanted swatted... a game with a deep solo campaign, with ship design, ground and ship combat, trade, factions, etc. Basically, yeah, Traveller Online :) Yes, yes, I know that there have been Traveller game iterations [Microprose, etc.] before, and there are games that get some of this... EVEO, Outer Worlds, NMS, Star Citizen [*snerk*], but 'Starfield' appears [emphasis on appears] to have the complete package.
But after the hypocrisy of FallOut 76 [which I call 'F**kOff 76'], I simply don't trust that this isn't gonna turn into 'Assassin's Creed: Spaceships'.
And like a lot of you, I really, REALLY wish there was an open world, first person, Traveller computer game out there.
Anyway, stay tuned, I guess.