Star Trek Warp factors versus Traveller Warp

Tom Kalbfus said:
sideranautae said:
Tom Kalbfus said:
This discovery would not have been made if the ship had a Jump Drive.

At 21 solar masses it would have been discovered because of gravitic lensing from 100 light years away..

If they knew where to look, if it is at the edge of inhabited space, their might not be a nearby telescope that looks in that direction, and gravitational lensing requires a light source behind it that can be lensed

Space based x-ray emission detectors would spot them WAY out from inhabited space.
sideranautae said:
Tom Kalbfus said:
sideranautae said:

At 21 solar masses it would have been discovered because of gravitic lensing from 100 light years away..

If they knew where to look, if it is at the edge of inhabited space, their might not be a nearby telescope that looks in that direction, and gravitational lensing requires a light source behind it that can be lensed

Space based x-ray emission detectors would spot them WAY out from inhabited space.
That is if there is a lot of matter to fall into them, such as Cygnus X, which is part of a binary pair, the substance of one star is drawn into the black hole producing a lot of x-rays, but what if it is just a lonely black hole that is not near another star, not in a nebula, and not in the center of a galaxy, what if its just sitting there in very empty interstellar space? If there is not much matter falling into it, there are not much x-rays produced, those by the way are the most useful black holes, as you can get close their their event horizons without having to worry about being fried by too much radiation. A black hole can act as a one-way time machine into the future, but that is only if you can safely get near one, and they ones that are safe to get close to are hard to detect. Now the black hole in the center of our Galaxy Sagittarius A, is not one of those quite black holes I talked about. If you eliminate the killer radiation, then you just have to worry about the tides, there is a limit to how close you can get before the tidal forces will tear you apart. If I have a little time, I may calculate that limit for a 21 Solar Mass black hole.