Sred*Ni images


Banded Mongoose
I want to run a short arc in the Beyond and have interactions with the Sred*Ni. Sounds lots of fun and a good follow up to our Darrian science ship expedition to the Florian League.

What I cannot find in the Spinward Extents is an image, which surprised me since the other aliens had pictures.

Anyone know of any out there?

@MongooseMatt, any up your sleeve?
I want to run a short arc in the Beyond and have interactions with the Sred*Ni. Sounds lots of fun and a good follow up to our Darrian science ship expedition to the Florian League.

What I cannot find in the Spinward Extents is an image, which surprised me since the other aliens had pictures.

Anyone know of any out there?

@MongooseMatt, any up your sleeve?

There is an image of a Sred *Ni in Spinward Extents on p. 88.

Description from p.85:

The Sred*Ni are a race of fur-covered spider-like octopods.
An adult Sred*Ni is a 100 kilogram bilaterally symmetrical octopod with an internal skeleton, whose appearance is superficially reminiscent of a Fulacin trapper or Terran tarantula. The basic body shape of a Sred*Ni is ovoid, with a distinct head separated by a short flexible neck. The head contains a single pair of eyes, a snout-like mouth and gill-like organs on the ‘cheeks’ supporting hearing, smell and respiration. The Sred*Ni’s eight limbs all end in four thick graspers, allowing any limb to act as leg or arm, but in practice the rear four act as legs and the forward four as arms. Sred’Ni are adept at climbing and often use several limbs to hang from grasp-holds attached to the walls and ceiling of their structures.