Spinward Marches 1: The Bowman Arm


Staff member
A new series has begun for the new Traveller, visiting different areas of the Spinward Marches - first up is the Bowman Arm!

You can grab your own copy here: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/190991/Spinward-Marches-1-The-Bowman-Arm?affiliate_id=7242

The Bowman Arm is a section of the Spinward Main running through District 268 of Spinward Marches sector. It lies beyond the Imperial border but links the outposts of Five Sisters subsector with the rest of the Imperium. Many of its frontier worlds are not Imperial members, making this area of space difficult at best and more often hazardous for Imperial traders to operate within.

This book explores this part of the Spinward Marches, visiting worlds of note, the politics affecting them, and the adventures Travellers may have within the Bowman Arm.

The Bowman Arm is the perfect addition to Marches Adventure 1: High and Dry!

Wasn't this released previously for T20? And it's written by Martin Dougherty? Does this mean more MJD re-releases are coming?
allanimal said:
Does that mean no more Trojan Reach material? I was liking the Borderlands series and was hoping for more...

Oh, the Trojan Reach is going to get a lot of material towards the end of this year :)
I have basically been told to Write All The Things.

There will be more Trojan Reaches material, and more Spinward Marches, and more Infinite Horizons. And you want the Solomani Rim? That could happen. Also more ref's briefings.

Just keep buying them, and I'll keep writing.

MJD re-releases? Could happen. There's a few things that could be reworked whenI get a minute.

Oh yeah, by the way. I have a new novel appearing any time soon. Nightfall in Avalon. I hear it's quite good.
The Dark Avenger said:
I have basically been told to Write All The Things.

There will be more Trojan Reaches material, and more Spinward Marches, and more Infinite Horizons. And you want the Solomani Rim? That could happen. Also more ref's briefings.
That'd be awesome. with Traveller 1e we did a Reign of Discordia campaign (it was discovery of that book that got me into Traveller) but now we've switched to Third Imperium. Having not done it before, and lacking much knowledge of the 3rd Imperium setting, my players and I picked the Solomani Rim because it'd be easier overall (since Terra is in there, and closer to Aslan territory for my Aslan player). All the backgrounds, contacts, etc... have been done revolving around the events and politics in the Rim and we've been playing a while now, but now I'm kinda wishing that we'd gone for Spinward Marches instead as that appears heavily supported (Lots of adventure modules and other books) and the de-facto setting, whilst the Solomani Rim appears to have ended support with the Alien module: Solomani and Solomani Rim books. It's a pity because I love the Rim setting, but it's a bit frustrating to see more multiple expansions and things coming out for other regions that you can't really use without having to modify/adapt content.

We'd really not have to move in-game up to the Marches, or have to adapt sourcebook stuff to fit... so anything we can get that is either "location neutral" (am liking the Referee's Briefings for this reason) or for the Rim would be things I'd be greatly appreciative for. I appreciate there are various settings/regions to cater for - but it'd be nice for some love to be thrown the Solomani Rim way (or at least location neutral stuff we can use) :mrgreen:
The Dark Avenger said:
Oh yeah, by the way. I have a new novel appearing any time soon. Nightfall in Avalon. I hear it's quite good.

Is that anything to do with your Far Avalon setting? Any chance that could see the light of day again via Mongoose?
fusor said:
Wasn't this released previously for T20? And it's written by Martin Dougherty? Does this mean more MJD re-releases are coming?

Comparing the RPGNow preview with my copy of the T20 materials, they are nearly identical, content-wise, though the formatting is completely different.
The few pages that have game-specific stats weren't in the preview, but I'd be surprised if they haven't been converted to match v2 conventions.

I hope ALL the T20 stuff winds up re-released by Mongoose. There were some great products in that line that were not T20 engine specific.
The T20 materials I wrote for QLI were first-rights, so I do own the copyright on all of my work.

That means they can be converted if it seems worth the time.