space combat range modifiers


Text regarding making attack rolls mention range as modifier. Weapons also have optimal range noted. But where's table showing what modifier should be used when weapons aren't in optimal range(where I assume modifier is +0)?

Am I just blind or is it missing?

Only thing we couldn't we figure out when we played space combat.
Klaus Kipling said:
could it be -1 for every range band different to optimum?

That's how we played but I would like some sort of confirmation. We read through chapter several times so if it says so somewhere then I truly am blind.
Another question regarding dodging. It says something about dodge helping against all attacks from one source(sorry don't have book with me). Now is that one beam, one turret or one ship? Ie to how many attacks the dodge modifier helps before ship needs to dodge again.
I would offer the following suggestion for DMs based on ship combat ranges. Treat the Optimum range as a 0 DM (duh), and then use the personal combat range modifiers: -1, -2, -4, -6 for 1, 2, 3, and 4 steps away from Optimum range band. These are the DMs I will use until told otherwise. I would say that up to 2 range bands closer are still a 0 DM though (being at Close range isn't going to make it harder to hit with a beam laser, is it?).