Actually. Having given this some thought. I've got a couple ideas:
1) Create a table similar to the old RQ3 table. Different stats provide different quantities of mps to the caster. Make it so at a minimum the caster results in one mp more then it took to cast the spell.
The problem with this is that the power for increasing personal magic points just isn't there in MRQ. There's no resistance table. It's all skill based. So this would potentially allow the evil sorc to cast more spells, but that's about it. Maybe not the most useful thing...
Which brings me to a second idea:
2) Forget magic points. The MRQ equivalent to increasing personal magic points in RQ is increasing manipulation (or related) skills. So. Make it always tap one point of stat, and have it add 10% to any one manipulation skill the caster chooses. You might have to play around with the exact amount it increases, and whether or not it *also* gives back a magic point or two, but the point of the spell is returned to the idea of using it ritually to make the caster more powerful for a period of time after using the tap.
I'd have to play around with idea number 2, but I just had the idea 2 minutes ago... It looks like it would be a better replacement of the original in terms of the MRQ rules.
1) Create a table similar to the old RQ3 table. Different stats provide different quantities of mps to the caster. Make it so at a minimum the caster results in one mp more then it took to cast the spell.
The problem with this is that the power for increasing personal magic points just isn't there in MRQ. There's no resistance table. It's all skill based. So this would potentially allow the evil sorc to cast more spells, but that's about it. Maybe not the most useful thing...
Which brings me to a second idea:
2) Forget magic points. The MRQ equivalent to increasing personal magic points in RQ is increasing manipulation (or related) skills. So. Make it always tap one point of stat, and have it add 10% to any one manipulation skill the caster chooses. You might have to play around with the exact amount it increases, and whether or not it *also* gives back a magic point or two, but the point of the spell is returned to the idea of using it ritually to make the caster more powerful for a period of time after using the tap.
I'd have to play around with idea number 2, but I just had the idea 2 minutes ago... It looks like it would be a better replacement of the original in terms of the MRQ rules.