some RENDAR terrain pics of a mogadishu game!


heres some pics of a fun delta force raid game i ran at the warstore this week . i used the disposable hero rules for modern combat! had alotta fun! heres some terrain pics for insperation!

delta choppered in to the mosque to recover some documents . they had to occupy it for 4 turns . a humvee convoy would drive in and pick them up and get them out . the somalis slowly became aware of the americans and started to make their way to the fight . the humvee got taken out by rpg fire . killing several deltas . while the chopper provide m60 fire ont the roofs the deltas had to get out on foot . only one made it to a area clear enough for the black hawk to land . one last skinnie took a shot with a rpg . which missed luckly . and the lone delta made it out . as the chopper was able to fly out . a brutal battle for the americans! great game a lotta fun . it was ran with 5 players!