Solomani Confederation (Military)

Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Auxiliary Gravitational Drive - How do you get around a prohibition of using grav vehicles, or maybe more specifically, gravitationally motivated ones.

The Confederation Navy would have orbitally limited manoeuvre drives or lifters, which would differentiate themselves by behaving like more like gravitation motors than pure thrusting, like the manoeuvre drives.

So lifters are allowed as auxiliary gravitational drives generally assisting near obit manoeuvring.

As such, vehicular auxiliary gravitational drives would fall within that definition.

Paygrade C1a Aviator - athletics zero, flyer zero

Paygrade C1m Corpsman - athletics zero, driver zero, medical zero

Automatic mustering out benefit - (semi)auto(matic)(hand)gun; mandatory requirement on joining, personal hand weapon; may be purchased from armory at subsidized hundred starbux.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Squadron Category Alpha

Squadron headquarters - Captain, Quartermaster, Sailing Master
. signals patrol- signals officer; four signals lances
. sniper patrol - sniper binom; three marksman lances

. forward observer - I'm going to speculate reconnaissance, investigate, heavy weapons, gunner, pilot
. Volunteer driver pool - all leftover Volunteers

Paygrade C1s Electronician - athletics zero, electronics zero

Paygrade C2s Signaller - athletics zero, electronics one/communications

Paygrade C3s Signals Officer - electronics two/communications

Paygrade C0 Volunteer- automatic qualification if all characteristics minimum three plus; undergoing basic training, emphasis athletics and driver, followed by gun combat

Paygrade C1t Translator - athletics zero, driver zero, language two/anglic, language two/local

Paygrade C0c Volunteer - automatic qualification if all characteristics minimum three plus; basic training athletics zero, driver zero, gun combat zero; if any of these skills have already been acquired, you can substitute them with advanced training heavy weapons zero, melee zero and/or vacuum suit zero

Paygrade C1c Trooper - automatic advancement and/or qualification if athletics zero, gun combat zero, driver zero, at least one tour of duty as Volunteer, and if all characteristics minimum three plus; advanced training heavy weapons zero, melee zero and/or vacuum suit zero, or if already acquired, can roll twice on service skills table

Paygrade C2c Lancer - qualifications if previously successfully advanced, athletics zero, gun combat zero, driver zero, heavy weapons zero, melee zero, vacuum suit zero, and all characteristics minimum three plus; automatic skill reconnaissance zero on advancement
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Paygrade C1d Spaceman

Paygrade C2d Coxswain

Paygrade C3d Boatswain

Paygrade C4d Master's Mate

Paygrade C5q Quartermaster - assists the squadron commander in controlling and coordinating ground operations; warrant officer

Paygrade C5d Sailing Master - assists the squadron commander in controlling and coordinating spacecraft operations; warrant officer

Paygrade C6 Cornet - seconded junior Confederation Navy and Marine Corps officers, who have volunteered for a year long tour of duty in order to gain experience in ground forces operations, as well as the more exciting combat and command experiences; essentially, naval officers will be the one ordering their Marine contingents into harm's way, and this is a convenient way of getting them to find out without disrupting Marine operations; occasionally, the Regimental Colonel will as a courtesy temporarily commission an individual from an allied military service, polity, or as a diplomatic courtesy.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

An airship probably can ascend to ten thousand metres.

However, to cover a hemisphere like the forty kayklix circumference Terra, you probably have to be in orbit at 4'664.00 klix with line of sight sensors, which would be improved sensors/seven at five kayklix range, at base one hundred twenty kilostarbux.

Orbital range is twelve hundred fifty klix, so you need a spacecraft or:

Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry


World's Highest Airship

JP Aerospace's Tandem airship flew to 95,085 feet on October 22, 2011.

28.981908 klix.

On October 22nd, just a day after the first manned flight of an electric multicopter took place in Germany, California's JP Aerospace achieved an aeronautical feat of its own - it broke the record for the world's highest airship flight. Remotely controlled from the ground, the all-volunteer group's Tandem twin-balloon airship reportedly ascended to an altitude of 95,085 feet (28,982 meters). That's almost four miles (6.4 km) higher than any airship has gone before.

JP Aerospace's Tandem class of airships are fairly spartan, consisting of two balloons mounted at either end of a central keel frame, and two six foot (1.8 meter) -long propellers, each driven by a separate electric motor - those propellers are specifically designed to work in the thin air present at high altitudes.

The aircraft used in last month's flight weighed 80 pounds (36.3 kg), including its balloons. As is the plan for all Tandems, it gained altitude using the lift of its balloons only. After making its way through turbulence from 40,000 to 60,000 feet (12,192 to 18,288 meters), the airship eventually reached its cruising altitude, at which point its motors were remotely turned on. A pilot on the ground then guided it through a series of maneuvers until eventually one balloon burst, at which point the other balloon was intentionally released, and the airship drifted back to the ground with the help of five parachutes.

"The big aerospace firms have been trying to do this for decades, spending hundreds of millions of dollars," said John Powell, President of JP Aerospace. "We've spent about $30,000 and the past five years developing Tandem."

The Tandem is intended to function as a workhorse aircraft. It could serve as a launch platform for small research rockets, and perform various duties for JP's proposed Airship to Orbit program, in which large V-shaped airships would travel from Earth's upper atmosphere into space.

Thales Alenia Space - StratoBus Long Endurance Stratospheric Vehicle Simulation [1080p]

Distance to the Horizon Calculator
Observation Height in Metres
Distance to the horizon 505.5 Kilometres

Improved sensors/seven - five hundred klix range; sixty kilostarbux.

Improved communications/eight - five hundred klix; seventy five starbux.
Vehicles: Airships

I don't think it's much of a secret why I've suddenly found airships attractive: it's their basic costs.

In a warzone, everything that flies is going to get shot down; chances are, that it will be a war crime to affix a camera or sensors on a bird, because all avians are very likely to get shot down.

So if everything in the air is likely to be detected, tracked and shot down, you might as well use the cheapest, disposable option.

And in a pre war zone, you know something is up if your dirigible suddenly gets missiled.

One issue, though, is exactly how to calculate space percentages for airships.

It either comes down to total default, or usable spaces.

It came to my attention, when I started studying the viability of droning the airship, and then made me reflect on the auxiliary gravitional motors.

Ninety percent of the airship is basically air covered by canvas, so exactly what does the drone actuators need to control? And since it's basically air, and non spacecraft gravitional motors struggle with actual weight to thrust, rather than volume to thrust, if you install them in gondola, they would be mostly preoccupied with weight of the airship, not the given volume.

For the drone actuators, the case is clear, they would only need to calculate usable space; for the gravitational motors, weight would include the framework of the airbag as well as the gondola.
Confederation Navy: Kestrel Aerospace Fighter

1. Nothing much surprising; I know I came up with fifteen tonnes on Mongosian physics being about as, well, not idyll, about as balanced as you can get in that weight class, and I'm sure others have as well.

2. Thrust nine has to be about standard for mid range space fighters for interstellar navies.

3. Since we're on the subject of fuel tanks, what gives? When did the minimum one tonne bunkerage get thrown out the window?

4. Ten percent is two hundred kilogrammes over a month, so that is about fifty kilogrammes for a week.

5. I know why I wanted a dual cockpit, to provide a common interface for all Confederation smallcraft.

6. It's relatively heavily armoured, and I certainly agree with the armoured bulkhead, since my take is that the Confederation values it's pilots.

7. Aerofins indicate it's roles as a light ground attack craft, and in counter insurgency.

8. I suspect it's a lot less effective in space combat than envisioned.

9. I rather doubt that the leader variant has the wished for effect, nor the sub variant the trainer, which couldn't have been wargamed out in a flight simulator.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

I looked over personal protection, and it seems that Cloth/ten is half the weight of Cloth/seven, though double the price, at sixty percent more protection.

Half the effect of a military uniform is visual, so trying to hide it is counterproductive; also, no physical penalties.

On the other hand, the troopers could be wearing a normal overcoat that minimizes that combat ambiance, and reinforces a law enforcement one.

The hundred starbux flak jacket/seven at eight kilogrammes and thirty seven and a half percent protection, could be kept around in case of emergencies.
Vehicles: Airships

Wait a second.

Airships are by definition lighter than air, as long as they are full up.

You'd completely use the auxiliary gravitional motor motivational force as thrust.
Confederation Navy: UB-75 Large Utility Boat

1. I don't know where this twenty five/seventy five tonne dynamic comes from.

2. At least with the Sword Worlders, you know that the two four eight binary cadence has a lot to do with free parking.

3. All things being equal, mostly looking at minimumalizing maximums, it should be thirty five/seventy tonnes; not quite sure if seventeen and a half tonnes would have a point, though.

4. Eight and three quarter tonnes?

5. And if you have that much spare space, you might as well modularize it.

6. I'm going to have to start looking for the missile software/hardware missile handover.

7. The other option would have been bumping tonnage to ninety nine, and replacing the bridge with a dual cockpit, which is basically a magnum modular cutter.
Confederation Navy: Strike Boat Scorpion Class

1. Seventy five tonnes; I'm shocked.

2. Fuel tanks, four weeks of operations, four fifths of a tonne; you could call this the Solomani Squeeze.

3. Would still opt for dual cockpit.

4. Only six torpedoes in storage?

7. You could, of course, preload two torpedoes in the cradles.

8. Nuclear damper; might make more sense if you could use that in the close escort role.

9. Armoured bulkheads, great for survivability and staying longer in combat.

10. I suppose they like loading up torpedoes fast, hence UNREP.

11. Configurable space: I'm going o have to look that up.

12. To be deployed in mass.

13. I'm not too sure how short deployment, en masse, and ambush mode work together, unless you happen to be an armada of Cylon Raiders with tankers.

14. De Soloman Mosquito?

15. In theory, exchange barbette for one single turret and one mounted fixture.
Confederation Navy: Courier Vessel Mercury Class

1. I wouldn't have picked a three hundred tonne hull.

2. Acceleration factor five or seven, probably three if you try to squeeze in factor five jump drives.

3. Range four parsecs; for a fleet courier, I would have sprung for five.

4. I'd shuffle this design off to the corporations and member governments.

5. I'm not quite sure what the point is for the liaison officer, unless he's a plant.

6. In terms of crowding, I've always believed that the Confederation Navy deliberately makes provision for such.
Confederation Navy: Fleet Destroyer Daring Class

1. Five kilotonnes would be the minimum.

2. Armour in lieu of range.

3. Acceleration seven is about right.

4. You got to keep up with the main fleet units.

5. Large weapon system bay is about correct.

6. Ironically, you should stuff cruisers and destroyers with lots of different weapon systems, because they are more dispensable than capital ships.

7. I wonder if this class is supposed to be a flotilla leader?

8. Depends on definition of fleet mobile.

9. Are we back to arranging turrets into a series of batteries?

10. Barracks listed as ten, which falls somewhat short of a platoon of Marines.

11. Cooks and nutritionists.

Confederation Navy: Battle Monitor Murat Class

1. Hundred kilotonnes is about the minimum you'd want for a line of battle monitor.

2. At this level, don't e much point in acceleration factor six.

3. Meson spinal mounts tend to be the degree you're comfortable with.

4. I'd install long ranged meson gun bays; you only have to get lucky every once in a while.

5. Don't see the attraction of the pulse laser/sandcaster mix.

6. They should have a Marine complement, because there's a good chance battle monitors are going to get boarded or do the boardering.

7. I'd use them offensively.

8. I hadn't noticed it was built at technological level fifteen; now I'd want to get downright outrageous.

9. Again with batteries; I really must have missed something.

10. I think you can afford to outsource fighter wings.
Confederation Navy: Logistics Barge Mountain Class

1. This is certainly novel.

2. Acceleration one or three.

3. Astrgator?

4. Ground operations support variant.

5. Ground forces battalion.

6. Logistics support for battle monitor squadron.

7. Again, batteries.

8. Logistics support for in and outsystem operations.
Confederation Navy: Light Carrier Zuiho Class

1. Not much point below twenty five kilotonnes.

2. Batteries - so I zipped through the book controlling ef to see if there's an extra rule to explain it; which if it exists, it's not in this manuscript.

3. Independent task group flagship.

4. Two wings times three squadrons each, with eight Kestrels..

5. Communications support vessels with hangars large enough for two three hundred tonne couriers.

6. I'm not too sure you'd want a jump factor two vessel for specialized clandestine missions.

7. I could see that for the patrol role.

8. Training ship.

9. Marine company.

10. Two standard plus command bridges layout.

11. I would have gone more for an escort carrier configuration with medium fighters, but there's nothing really objectionable to the design.
Confederation Navy: Naval Tender Carnot Class

1. Tetramegatonne.

2. I agree that the carrier should withdraw.

3. Centikilotonne missile module.

4. Deployed in pairs; why not triples?

5. Unpowered cargo modules: there goes the ice cream shipment.

6. Prime movers, something I could get behind with.

7. I wouldn't waste my time with light fighters, especially with such valuable fleet units.

8. Problem is that with modules attached, it's less of a prime mover, and more of a space station.
Transstar: Freightliner Stella Polaris Class

1. Licensed design.

2. Confederation subsidies for construction.

3. Ships Taken Up From Trade.

4. Do armed merchantmen work? Depends.

5. Ubiquitous for covert operations, though I was thinking they'd use Beowulfs.

6. I'm pretty sure that acceleration factor two falls short of my expectations of a naval auxiliary.

7. Other than that, I'll have a go at seeing how to adapt the class.