Emperor Mongoose
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry
Auxiliary Gravitational Drive - How do you get around a prohibition of using grav vehicles, or maybe more specifically, gravitationally motivated ones.
The Confederation Navy would have orbitally limited manoeuvre drives or lifters, which would differentiate themselves by behaving like more like gravitation motors than pure thrusting, like the manoeuvre drives.
So lifters are allowed as auxiliary gravitational drives generally assisting near obit manoeuvring.
As such, vehicular auxiliary gravitational drives would fall within that definition.
Paygrade C1a Aviator - athletics zero, flyer zero
Paygrade C1m Corpsman - athletics zero, driver zero, medical zero
Automatic mustering out benefit - (semi)auto(matic)(hand)gun; mandatory requirement on joining, personal hand weapon; may be purchased from armory at subsidized hundred starbux.
Auxiliary Gravitational Drive - How do you get around a prohibition of using grav vehicles, or maybe more specifically, gravitationally motivated ones.
The Confederation Navy would have orbitally limited manoeuvre drives or lifters, which would differentiate themselves by behaving like more like gravitation motors than pure thrusting, like the manoeuvre drives.
So lifters are allowed as auxiliary gravitational drives generally assisting near obit manoeuvring.
As such, vehicular auxiliary gravitational drives would fall within that definition.
Paygrade C1a Aviator - athletics zero, flyer zero
Paygrade C1m Corpsman - athletics zero, driver zero, medical zero
Automatic mustering out benefit - (semi)auto(matic)(hand)gun; mandatory requirement on joining, personal hand weapon; may be purchased from armory at subsidized hundred starbux.