Solomani Confederation (Military)

Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

I was kinda surprised when I ended up with two principal line units under the squadron tier, but that would n't alter the organizational charge in having a separate heavy weapons troop and a headquarters troop.

The Heavy Weapons Troop would be responsible of the supply and maintenance of all weapons in the Squadron, and coordinating supporting fire, and should be easier to organize than the Headquarters Troop.

The Heavy Weapons Troop command cell is going to be headed by a lieutenant, assisted by a scoutmaster.

The self propelled support mortar banner, would have a command cell led by subaltern, assisted by a watchmaster; two mortar patrols, with two mortar lances each of four trooper crews and a command cell led by a corporal, driver, forward observer, radio operator.

The armoury banner, ammunition storage and distribution, squadron weapons maintenance and storage.

Sniper patrol, sniper binom nominal leader, two sharpshooters, twelve marksmen.

Automatic weapons patrol, six machine gun lances, twelve squad automatic gunners.

Grenadier patrol, twelve grenadiers.

Missile patrol, three self propelled missile lances.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

If a C.A.V.A.L.R.Y. squadron deployment is longer than a year (plus transit time), you rotate half the personnel semiannual, with the new personnel arriving seasonally, every three months, principally a combat troop with half of the command and support troops, with a senpai half having experienced about three months of the local conditions, allowing that experience to be shared with their kohai brethren.

In order to be allowed to enlist, for the first term you have demonstrate the capability to at least be able to carry out your duties, which arguably looking at game mechanics could stretch the characteristics to three plus with a modifier on minus one; the issue that suddenly occurred to me was whether someone with a low intelligence could make make an informed and voluntary choice, or if you could use them without them proving a hindrance to operations, or a danger to their comrades.

With seven being the average intelligence, presumably what we calculate as hundred, six being within the statistical norm, I'll assume a bell curve in terms of intelligence quotient points, rather than a linear relationship.

I'm going to assume that three and above intelligence will qualify applicants to be able to make such choices.

Applicants who can't undergo basic training and subsequent entry level skills, such as second careerists, can qualify if they have two out of the three following skills, driver, gun combat and/or athletics, and will mandatorily gain the third missing skill during the refresher course.


Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

A pintle mount consumes no Spaces and costs a quarter of a kilostarbux, and a half tonne weapon system may be attached to them.

The ring mount three quarters of a kilostarbux.

Optionally, they may be protected by a gun shield, costing a kilostarbux.

Modular mount plus fifty percent cost.

Quarter tonne weapon systems would consume one space, and that would include a tac launcher, support mortar, rocket pod, vulcan machine gun, light autocannon, light anti aircraft missile.

Half tonne weapon systems would consume two spaces, and include water cannon, torpedo, rotary autocannon, anti air missile, anti tank missile, medium autocannon, heavy rocket pod, field gun.

I wonder what happened to the grenade machine gun?

This means that each vehicle can install one of these weapon systems, double in the case of quarter tonners, and bring along their own infantry support.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Besides taking along your own heavy weapons on your personal transport, there are some other implications.

The ring mount could be embedded in the floor, giving you a turntable, with which you can position your mortar.

You could, in theory, also place something like a half a tonne directional sensor.

I could also emplace the half tonne medium autocannon on a two space unpowered vehicle (with presumable two wheels), the pintle mount allows traverse, so you could follow a target across the front arc, without moving the (presumably dug in) unpowered vehicle.

A ten tonne light gun might be the most optimal use of it, besides a nebelwerfer.

Each Space set aside for ammunition allows an extra magazine (as defined by the weapon’s own entry) to be directly attached to a weapon, allowing it to be used without the need to reload. These Spaces have no cost other than the ammunition that fills them.

That seems to be the solution to an autoloader.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

So let's see how we can squeeze out of the light ground vehicle frame:

Technological level/eleven - basically, what the C.A.V.A.L.R.Y. squadron would bring with them, rather than maybe get some local manufacturer to fabricate some cheap copies

Spaces - twenty; fifteen kilostarbux

Speed - fast (three hundred to five hundred klix per hour); cruising high (two to three hundred klix per hour); rough terrain medium (one to two hundred klix per hour), control checks minus two

Range - six hundred klix; cruising nine hundred klix

Agility - neutral

Armour - three

Hull - twenty

Shipping - ten tonnes

Hiding - neutral

Rough terrain - modifier minus two to all control checks; maximum speed minus two bands

Towing - speed reduced by one band per twenty five percent of its default vehicular spaces (or multiplied by a quarter tonne per) towed; agility modifier minus two

All terrain vehicle - modifier plus two to any drive checks made to negotiate difficult terrain; plus two hundred fifty starbux per vehicular space

Smart wheels - one kilostarbux per vehicular space

Structural deinforcement - minus twenty five percent hull points; minus twenty five percent per space cost

Aquatic drive - waterpoofing, snorkels, propellers/water jets; movement rate same as powered boats of the same technological level; afloat agility minus one of said boat; range minus ten percent of said boat; fifty percent pace cost multiplier

Auxiliary gravitational drive - flyable; speed minus one band; agility minus one; range reduced by fifty percent; vehicular space consumed twenty five percent of total; cost plus hundred percent per vehicular space

External power - technological level eight default ; spaces ;cost plus two kilostarbux per vehicular space; options ten kilostarbux per vehicular space if gravitated at default technological level eleven, five kilostarbux per vehicular space if railroaded at default technological level four
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

At what point do you lose control of a motorcycle when going at speed? I think currently it's around three hundred, which is nowhere close to where I'd want to be velociting, which is high. Interestingly enough, that would be technological level seven plus one speed band.

You'd need them as reconnaissance, messengers, couriers, cheap transport.

Technological level/eleven - basically, what the C.A.V.A.L.R.Y. squadron would bring with them, rather than maybe get some local manufacturer to fabricate some cheap copies

Monowheel - technological level nine default; speed plus one band; cost plus twenty five hundred starbux; agility plus two

Spaces - one; thirty two hundred fifty starbux

Speed - very fast (five to eight hundred klix per hour); cruising fast (three to five hundred klix per hour); rough terrain medium (two to three hundred klix per hour), control checks minus two

Range - six hundred klix; cruising nine hundred klix

Agility - neutral plus two

Armour - three

Hull - two

Shipping - half a tonne

Hiding - neutral

Rough terrain - modifier minus two to all control checks; maximum speed minus two bands

Towing - speed reduced by one band per twenty five percent of its default vehicular spaces (or multiplied by a quarter tonne per) towed; agility modifier minus two

All terrain vehicle - modifier plus two to any drive checks made to negotiate difficult terrain; plus two hundred fifty starbux per vehicular space

Smart wheels - one kilostarbux per vehicular space

Structural deinforcement - minus twenty five percent hull points; minus twenty five percent per space cost

External power - technological level eight default ; spaces ;cost plus two kilostarbux per vehicular space; options ten kilostarbux per vehicular space if gravitated at default technological level eleven, five kilostarbux per vehicular space if railroaded at default technological level four
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

A bicycle may be pulling one's leg a bit too much, though there are battery powered ones.

I guess they're useful as security outriders.

Another question would be how far you'd expect them to need to travel, at least within the scale envisioned by a CAVALRY squadron.

Technological level/eleven - default

Spaces - one; seven hundred fifty starbux

Speed - fast (three to five hundred klix per hour); cruising medium (two to three hundred klix per hour); rough terrain medium (one to two hundred klix per hour), control checks minus two

Range - six hundred klix; cruising nine hundred klix

Agility - neutral

Armour - three

Hull - one and a half

Shipping - half a tonne

Hiding - neutral

Rough terrain - modifier minus two to all control checks; maximum speed minus two bands

Towing - speed reduced by one band per twenty five percent of its default vehicular spaces (or multiplied by a quarter tonne per) towed; agility modifier minus two; so sixty two and a half kilogrammes?

All terrain vehicle - modifier plus two to any drive checks made to negotiate difficult terrain; plus two hundred fifty starbux per vehicular space

Structural deinforcement - minus twenty five percent hull points; minus twenty five percent per space cost

Total cost - three quarters of a kilostarbux
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Let's have another go at the hierarchy, with vertical integration, and spread out more horizontally.

There are nine paygrades.

The first three are for enlisted personnel, which are one year and one day contracts.

The middle three are warranted positions, which are four year terms.

The last three are commissioned ranks.

Volunteer, trooper, lancer.

Corporal, sergeant, master.

Lieutenant, captain, colonel.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Paygrade C0 Volunteer - automatic qualification if all characteristics minimum three plus; basic training athletics zero, gun combat zero, driver zero; if any of these skills have already been acquired, you can substitute them with advanced training heavy weapons zero, melee zero and/or vacuum suit zero

Paygrade C1 Trooper - automatic advancement and/or qualification if athletics zero, gun combat zero, driver zero, at least one tour of duty as Volunteer, and if all characteristics minimum three plus; advanced training heavy weapons zero, melee zero and/or vacuum suit zero, or if already acquired, can roll twice on service skills table

Paygrade C2 Lancer - qualifications if previously successfully advanced, athletics zero, gun combat zero, driver zero, heavy weapons zero, melee zero, vacuum suit zero, and all characteristics minimum three plus; automatic skill reconnaissance zero on advancement

Service skills table

1. Athletics [or optionally, Stealth, from the second term onwards]
2. Gun Combat [or optionally, Reconnaissance, from the second term onwards]
3. Driver [or optionally, Navigation, from the second term onwards]
4. Heavy Weapons [or optionally, Explosives, from the second term onwards]
5. Melee [or optionally, Tactics, from the second term onwards]
6. Vacuum Suit [or optionally, Survival, from the second term onwards]

Personal development table

1. Strength +1 or Intelligence +1
2. Dexterity +1 or Social Standing +1
3. Endurance +1 or Education +1
4. Gambling or Carousing
5. Melee or Stewardship
6. Jack of All Trades or pick a skill

Survival - (choose) strength, dexterity or endurance six plus

Advancement - (trooper to lancer) intelligence or education six plus; automatic skill reconnaissance zero
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Specialists are hired (or seconded) to perform functions or roles that you wouldn't expect or entrust the normal enlistees to do, though you could describe their role as close combat specialists.

Cook - steward zero required; maybe profession nutritionist

Medic - medic zero required

Interpreter - local languages; maybe diplomacy and persuade

Electronician - electronics zero required; probably flyer zero

Mechanic - mechanic zero required; motor pool

Combat Engineer - explosives zero required; profession construction

Public relationist - art

Civilian affairs - diplomacy zero, persuade zero

Veterinarian - dogs, mules. beasts of burden

Dog handler - animals

Administrator - administration zero required

Logistician - broker zero, administration zero; bribery zero

Planner - tactics, investigate

Lawyer -

Shipboard contingent

Pilot - pilot zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy; probably three per transport

Engineer - engineering zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy; depends very much on the volume of the engineering compartment

Gunner - gunnery zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy and/or Confederation Marines; one assumes about one hundred fifty percent of hardpoints

Astrogation - astrogation zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy; you only need one per starship

Mechanic - mechanic zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy, though this seems such a ubiquitous skill, could be anyone who knows what they are doing

Electronician - electronics zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy, though besides ensuring that the software gets updated, more concerned with network security, remote operations, communications and sensors
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Shipboard contingent

Paygrade C3 Watchmaster -

Paygrade C4 Scoutmaster -

Paygrade C5 Quartermaster -

Sailing master - astrogation zero plus, pilot zero plus, engineering zero plus, electronics zero plus, mechanics zero plus, vacuum suit zero plus, administration zero plus

Webmaster - chief communications and network specialist

Burgomaster - chief culinary officer


Ironmaster - armourer

Loadmaster - loading, transport and unloading of cargoes


Dockmaster - chief medical officer


Spymaster - chief intelligence officer








Pilot - pilot zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy; probably three per transport

Engineer - engineering zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy; depends very much on the volume of the engineering compartment

Gunner - gunnery zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy and/or Confederation Marines; one assumes about one hundred fifty percent of hardpoints

Astrogation - astrogation zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy; you only need one per starship

Mechanic - mechanic zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy, though this seems such a ubiquitous skill, could be anyone who knows what they are doing

Electronician - electronics zero required; likely seconded from the Confederation Navy, though besides ensuring that the software gets updated, more concerned with network security, remote operations, communications and sensors
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Paygrade C0 Volunteer - automatic qualification if all characteristics minimum three plus and Solomani Confederation citizen; basic training athletics zero, gun combat zero, driver zero; if any of these skills have already been acquired, you can substitute them with advanced training heavy weapons zero, melee zero and/or vacuum suit zero; term of service one year and one day; ripcord clause: can quit any time before the end of the term of service, but depending on the circumstances, the Confederation is under no obligation to either guarantee safe passage or transportation; if the ripcord option is utilized, can never reenlist in the CAVALRY, without special dispensation from the Regimental Colonel

Paygrade C1 Trooper - automatic advancement and/or qualification if athletics zero, gun combat zero, driver zero, at least one tour of duty as Volunteer, and if all characteristics minimum three plus; advanced training heavy weapons zero, melee zero and/or vacuum suit zero, or if already acquired, can roll twice on service skills table; qualified enlistee does not need to enlist as Trooper, but can insist to remain a Volunteer; term of service is a year and a day, and you cannot quit before it ends

Paygrade C2 Lancer - qualifications if previously successfully advanced, athletics zero, gun combat zero, driver zero, heavy weapons zero, melee zero, vacuum suit zero, and all characteristics minimum three plus; automatic skill reconnaissance zero on advancement; qualified enlistee does not need to enlist as Lancer, but can insist to remain a Volunteer or Trooper; term of service is a year and a day, you cannot quit before it ends, and may continue for the duration, if circumstances warrant it as determined by the senior officer commanding present

Star Trek Rank and Duties

Following on from the video exploring the divisions of Starfleet, let's take a brief look at the ranks as explained in the shows. From ensign to fleet admiral, let's see what the duties are of Starfleet's enlisted officers.

Plot device appointment.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Combat roles

Volunteer - driver (driver), loader, handler

Trooper - gunner (heavy weapons)

Lancer - vehicle commander (reconnaissance)
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

The lance and the basic skill set has been tweaked to allow dual use, as both as close combat fire team, heavy weapon squad, and armoured fighting vehicle crew.

In it's most basic deployment, that would be a disposable dune buggy racing along rough terrain, permitting both roles.

As part of a troop or patrol movement, you could have two or more lances inhabiting one vehicle, one operating as the vehicle crew, and the others as dismounts.

As such, you don't need to establish separate service branches, at least for combat specialists, and you can assign lances (and Cavaliers) as per need and taste, to rifle patrols, heavy weapon sections, and vehicle pools.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

So I got a bunch of generalists, which in terms of employment, have covered a wide range of bases.

So I could throw any number of vehicles, heavy weapons and smallarms at ye typical lance, and they'd be fine with using them.

The question is where would be the best tier to attach specialists.

You need mechanics to maintain all that equipment, whether weapons or vehicles; that could be centralized at squadron level.

Electronics is probably nowadays more in demand, so a patrol probably needs one electronician each.

Grenadier, sniper and squad automatic weapon gunner use standardized skill equipment, so they're trained more in the nuances of taking advantage of their weapons, and assigned from a general pool of Troopers.

Might as well add a combat medic to what already is a fifteen man formation.

A volunteer might be added to provide an extra driver, especially if the patrol is assigned four buggies, so that the fourth vehicle would have the watchmaster, medic, electronician, and of course, the volunteer driver.
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Paygrade C7 Captain - Officer Commanding CAVALRY Squadron; usually a seconded senior Confederation Navy officer, occasionally a Confederation Marine Corps officer, who undertakes a year long tour of duty to gain experience in commanding and coordinating joint operations

Paygrade C6 Cornet - seconded junior Confederation Navy and Marine Corps officers, who have volunteered for a year long tour of duty in order to gain experience in ground forces operations, as well as the more exciting combat and command experiences; essentially, naval officers will be the one ordering their Marine contingents into harm's way, and this is a convenient way of getting them to find out without disrupting Marine operations

Paygrade C5 Quartermaster - assists the squadron commander in controlling and coordinating ground operations; warrant officer

Paygrade C5 Sailing Master - assists the squadron commander in controlling and coordinating spacecraft operations; warrant officer

Paygrade C4 Engineering Chief, Gunnery Chief, Pilot Major, Dockmaster, Burgomaster, Webmaster

Paygrade C3 Engineer, Gunner, Pilot Officer, Medic, Steward, Signaller
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Category Alpha - seventy five Volunteers, seventy five Troopers, seventy five Lancers, organized into seventy five Lances; seventy five Lances organized into twenty five Patrols, led by twenty five Watchmasters.

Twenty five Patrols organized into eight Troops, supervised by eight Scoutmasters, and commanded by eight Cornets; one Patrol designated as the Colour Patrol, led by a Cornet, attached to the Squadron Headquarters.

Volunteers - seventy five
Troopers - seventy five
Lancers - seventy five
Watchmasters - twenty five
Scoutmasters - twelve
Cornets - thirteenish
Captain - one
Confederation Authorized Volunteer Armed Long Range Yeomanry

Troop Category Alpha

Troop headquarters - Cornet, Scoutmaster, volunteer; 14
. signals lance - signaller, electronician, electronician
. marksman lance - sharpshooter, marksman, marksman
. grenadier lance - bombardier, grenadier, grenadier
. machine gun lance - machine gunner, squad automatic machine gunner, squad automatic machine gunner
. anti tank missile lance - lancer, trooper, volunteer
. anti aircraft missile lance - lancer, trooper, volunteer
. forward observer
. Driver pool - volunteer, volunteer, volunteer

Patrol - Watchmaster, volunteer, electronician, marksman, grenadier, squad automatic machine gunner; three rifle lances; 16

Patrol - Watchmaster, volunteer, electronician, marksman, grenadier, squad automatic machine gunner; three rifle lances; 16