SOC "Dark Altar of Katar"


Wow! I really liked the last "free" adventure that Sons of Cimmeria gave. It had a different feel and was in an area of Hyboria that we normally don't play in.

I really liked the female antagonist. Definately a reaccuring character in my campaing. I understand why Mongoose can't keep doing the SOC "free" thing, but it was great while it lasted.

Keep coming out with quality adventures like this one and I will stay happy. :lol:

Thanks for the compliments on my latest adventure. I have always been a huge fan of Vendhya and other nearby parts of the Hyborian world. An adventure alway's looks better when the Mongoose staff get's finished "touching" it up. :D

Look for future adventures set in the Hyrkanian steppes and the dark jungles of Kush.

Eric in Vegas
EricKRod said:

Thanks for the compliments on my latest adventure. I have always been a huge fan of Vendhya and other nearby parts of the Hyborian world. An adventure alway's looks better when the Mongoose staff get's finished "touching" it up. :D

Look for future adventures set in the Hyrkanian steppes and the dark jungles of Kush.

Eric in Vegas

Is it foggy there... :wink:
:lol: It's about 103 degree's foggy. Just shy of you guy's in "Merry old England". :o

I would trade you weather in a heartbeat!!!!!

Eric in "Scorching" Vegas
EricKRod said:
:lol: It's about 103 degree's foggy. Just shy of you guy's in "Merry old England". :o

I would trade you weather in a heartbeat!!!!!

Eric in "Scorching" Vegas

Wait until you get day after day of dour, dismal rain... :cry:
Just a question, Erik, how is it that the female sorc, who is level 4, gets access to so many spells and spell styles? Is it a houserule, magik item, or something of the sort? Or a slight error in the ecl? (maybe fewer thief lvls, and more scholar?)

Anyway, it was buggin me, and just thought I would check with you. The overall adventure is good, but I still like Kovang-Re better. :) That was a really fun, and sweet adventure. Do a sequel!
A very nice adventure overall. I like that although you took the opportunity to play up on the region it was set in you still left the adventure generic enough to be easily portable to anywhere in Hyboria a GM might want to use it: Aquilonian/Pictish border, Stygian/Kushite border, Turan/Hyperborean border, whatever.

The only real complaint I have is with the stat block for Vadavaa; she has too many spells known/sorcery styles for her level and you forgot to include her BPP and MAB in her stat block. Minor mistakes really. I also can't help but think that the location of the cultist camp could have more to it but what happens there will depend so much on how the PC's approach it that I guess just setting the location is better than a set piece encounter.

Good work.

ps: I also think that more material set in Vendhya/surrounding regions would be a good thing.
:oops: Sorry guy's, but what I left out of the adventure is that Vadavaa had already sacrificed several victims to the "Dark Altar of Katar" and had been granted the spells for her offerings, that's how she gained so many spells for her level. I forgot to mention that in the actual adventure. My bad!

Thanks for the copliments and constructive criticisim. I do appreciate it. I think you will enjoy the other modules I have completed, a Hyrkanian adventure and a Kush adventure. I just finished another one last night, set along the border between Brythunia and the Border Kingdom. An adventure for higher level characters, with sorcerers, beast-men and a princess that needs rescue. Did I mention the banished Nemedian lord?

Eric in Vegas
Hi Erik, I too was very impressed with the adventure. I haven't had the oppertunity to run it yet, but it'll be soon. I'm very glad to hear your working on some more adventures, and I'm looking forward to reading/running them.

Is there any chance that any of your new scenarios are passed on to the Sons of Cimmeria? Are they part of some sourcebook/guide/module?

As for the Katar scenario, I liked it very much, as it's not the 1st level scenario other gaming companies would have sent if they were running SoC.
The only thing I find it's lacking is a longer exposition on the Katar cult. For example, I don't know how a statue of Katar looks like. Is this on RoK or you just lacked space?

Anyway, I hope SoC sends more scenarios like this :)
Sanseveria: Thanks for the good comments and praise. My adventures are submitted to Mongoose and it will be up to them to determine whether they come out in book, magazine or SOC form. Keep your eye's peeled! :D

Maximo: The Cult of Katar is based off the real-life cult of Kali. Imagine Katar as a multi-armed demon goddess(similiar to statue that comes to life in the Sinbad classic "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad"). Katar is an ancient goddess dedicated to death and violence. Her members mostly include assassins, theives and murderers. Her temples and shrine are well guarded and secret, due to the death warrant on all her priests and worshippers heads. There is no land or city that openly worships Katar for fear of reprisals from other faiths and communities. Her ceremonies are alway's at night and in secret. She has very few, actual priests left that openly worship her. She thrives on murder and mayhem and grant favours to her favorite assassins.

If you need a picture of her, use the Tanari Demon(Merelith) for reference. Im sure you can find many pictures of this sort of demon, from many different sources.

Mournstorm: My adventure was released to SOC members about a week and a half ago. Sorry you didn't get it. I'll see what I can do.

Eric in Vegas