Ok, I now have a good overview of the book. I won't say that it's very good since everybod else has already said that.
(That said, it is very good.)
Instead I will tell what goes wrong with it ; three words : bestiary, herbology, map.
- The bestiary is really ridiculous. I understand that the lack of space could not allow to place more monsters but a homage has to be paid to the imagination of Joe Dever and the fantastic diversity of strange and very characteristic monsters of his world. With the thread "Monster" on this forum and what August has written there however, I have good hope to see this point fixed in a near future.
- Herbology. It has already been debated here even before the book arrived in shops but definitely it is cruely missing. Apart from Lampsur, little is said on the dozens of medicinal herbs, potions, poisons and drugs that were described in the Lone Wolf and Grey Star gamebooks. To my sense, that was an important part of the "feeling" of the world. A "Madin Rendalim's guide to herbs and potions" would be definitely necessary (why not in the shape of a downloadable pdf or an article in S&P ?)
- The Map. Something's totally wrong with the Map.
It's wonderful ! I want another one to put it over my desk !
(That said, it is very good.)
Instead I will tell what goes wrong with it ; three words : bestiary, herbology, map.
- The bestiary is really ridiculous. I understand that the lack of space could not allow to place more monsters but a homage has to be paid to the imagination of Joe Dever and the fantastic diversity of strange and very characteristic monsters of his world. With the thread "Monster" on this forum and what August has written there however, I have good hope to see this point fixed in a near future.
- Herbology. It has already been debated here even before the book arrived in shops but definitely it is cruely missing. Apart from Lampsur, little is said on the dozens of medicinal herbs, potions, poisons and drugs that were described in the Lone Wolf and Grey Star gamebooks. To my sense, that was an important part of the "feeling" of the world. A "Madin Rendalim's guide to herbs and potions" would be definitely necessary (why not in the shape of a downloadable pdf or an article in S&P ?)
- The Map. Something's totally wrong with the Map.
It's wonderful ! I want another one to put it over my desk !