So i created my first kai lord yesterday....


And it was a blast! Lone wolf is what started me into role-playing, and i bought the lone wolf rpg sight unseen from my flgs. Now, i wanted to integrate it with my current Forgotten Realms campaign (i was worried about game balance, but i decided to check it out anyway. So far, no major issues!), so i placed the Kai monastasry in Cormyr on the borders of the Stormhorn mountains. So I trotted my first level Kai lord out (taking mind over matter as my first discipline) with a halfling rogue and a half elven druid. We investigated a plague in the mountains, had a fight with some kobolds, and i almost died. Sun Wolf, my character, was the default heavy hitter for the group, but i was no means a combat munchkin. Had to be pulled from the brink of death by the druid (which is ironic, because when i first played the lone wolf books years ago, i first died by a druid...some blood druid i think? Are those guys gonna get statted out sometime?)

Anyway, the reason i am writing this in is to tell you guys that i played a kai lord in a standard first level adventure in the forgotten realms, with other standard first level adventurers, and so far there were absolutely no balance issues. I didn't give him feats, so he is strictly statted by the mongoose rules. He was in no way overpowered to the other characters (he almost died! from a kobold!) If there is any interest, i will happiliy relate the further adventures later, to see if kai lords can fit in standard dnd worlds.

In closing i would thank the gang at mongoose for a job well done, and taking a license that is near and dear to my heart, converting it to a system that i love to play today, and bringing my roleplaying history full circle. Thank you guys, truly. Best 40 bucks i've spentt on an rpg in a long, long, time!
Glad you're having a blast already! I have yet to receive my copy :evil: :cry: :x :? .
Anyway, I said elsewhere that PCs from LW would feel overpowered in a standard D&D campaign, but only if you give them feats like regular classes. For me though, I'll try to stick to Magnamund, as it is one of the best setting anyway, IMO. But it's good to know that it's feasible to use the LW classes in FR. :)
It seems that the games meld well at lower levels, but the question remains: at mid to higher levels (when the classes truly begin to shine) are there going to be play balance issues?

Anyone integrated a Kai Lord into a lvl 10+ game yet? That is where a true test of compatability would be IMO.
what i really would like to see are epic level kai lords, you know, when lone wolf started doing magic and alchemy. Any chance of a web enhancement, or an article in signs and portents?
Interesting. Yes, I'd like to see some epic Magnamund rules as well. Though if anything were published to cover this I'd suspect it to be a S&P article.
Golem2176 said:
Interesting. Yes, I'd like to see some epic Magnamund rules as well. Though if anything were published to cover this I'd suspect it to be a S&P article.

Yes, and can I get that article with a write up of the Supreme Master Discipline parody list, just so I can completely enjoy the joke?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm only half-way serious, though. LW did get a little bit uber-powerful munchkin-ish in the Grand Master series. Sure I'd like to see it done as a prestige class option of some kind, but you gotta admit, it'd be too funny to see the parody perstige class right beside it!!!
adgramaine said:
It seems that the games meld well at lower levels, but the question remains: at mid to higher levels (when the classes truly begin to shine) are there going to be play balance issues?

Anyone integrated a Kai Lord into a lvl 10+ game yet? That is where a true test of compatability would be IMO.

I just generated a random 15th level Ranger with E-Tools, then threw together a 15th level Kai Lord, to compare the two.
No equipment or specific skill level. Base attributes are Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8. The Ranger applied his +3 attribute increases to Dex, the Kai Lord to Wis. The Kai Lord gained +1 Str, Dex, and Con from a Lore Circle.

Ranger Feats: Improved Critical-Longsword & Longbow, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus-Longbow.

Kai Lord Disciplines: All Basic 5, Invisibility 1, Animal Control 2, Weaponmastery 3, Huntmastery 4, Pathmanship 5, Fire & Solaris Lore Circles.

Ranger: 114 hp
Kai Lord: 137 hp

Ranger: 19 class skills, 108 skill points
Kai Lord: 18 class skills (23 when split up), 90 skill points

Ranger: Light and Medium Armor
Kai Lord: Light Armor

Ranger: 14 AC
Kai Lord: 14 AC

Ranger: Move 30 ft.
Kai Lord: Move 40 ft.

Ranger: Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +6
Kai Lord: Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +14 (Mindshield)

Ranger: Melee +17, Ranged +19
Kai Lord: Melee +14, Ranged +15

Ranger: Longsword +15/+10/+5, Shortsword off hand +15/+10/+5. Improved Critical longsword.
Kai Lord: Longsword +15/+10/+5, +4 damage. +1 AC, +4 resist Disarm

Ranger: Longbow +18/+18/+13/+8, +1 hit & damage within 30 ft., Improved Critical
Kai Lord: +16/+11/+6, +2 damage, +25% range, +1 AC, +4 resist Disarm

Ranger: +4 damage, Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot & Survival vs. Dragons, Giants & Aberrations, +2 vs. Goblinoids
Kai Lord: +1 to hit with all other weapons, +2 damage with all other swords, +25% range all weapons, +2 Disarm with no attack of opportunity, lethal damage in unarmed combat with no hit penalty.

Ranger: +4 Con checks involving fatigue
Kai Lord: Heal self and others 15 hp 3/day, +5 Heal skill (+6 for First Aid), First Aid as a free action, heal 1d6+2 hp to someone below 0 hp.

Ranger: Track by footprints, reduced penalties tracking while moving, speed unaffected by natural terrain.
Kai Lord: Track by footprints, speed unaffected by natural terrain, leave no tracks, analyze source of tracks, avoid distractions tracking, determine intent of people being tracked, perfect balance at half speed (+2 otherwise), speak any language, undetectable magically while moving.

Ranger: Hide in any natural terrain, even if no concealment.
Kai Lord: +9 Stealth, +5 Disguise, reduced Stealth penalties when moving, disguise as a non-human race, stun a searching creature as a distraction.

Ranger: Make animals and magical beasts (with a penalty) friendly.
Kai Lord: Calm angry animals, give animals one-word commands, determine an animals responses, speak to four different animal types, make animals within 60' flee.

Ranger: Wolf Animal Companion w/ +4 HD, +4 Armor, +2 Str & Dex, +3 tricks, Mental Link, Share personal spells, no damage when saving against spells that do half damage normally, +4 Saves against control enchantments.
Kai Lord: +5 Survival & Knowledge (nature), detect pure water, immune to poison, 2d6+2 extra damage attacking by surprise, can't be surprised, -3 Climb & Acrobatics DCs (automatic success if DC<16), predators stay away, heightened vision, +1 AC vs. visible ranged attacks, +2 Perception, -2 Saves vs. sensory attacks.

Ranger: No damage when Saving against attacks that normally do half damage.
Kai Lord: Mentally move a 375 lb. object 30'/round, -2 damage from physical attacks when on the defensive, manipulate tiny objects, throw a 5 lb. object as a makeshift weapon.

Ranger: 2 1st level spells, 2 2nd level spells, 1 3rd level spell, 1 4th level spell.
Kai Lord: Mentally gain +1 to hit and damage, 1d6 damage and opponent is -1 to hit (Kai Lord is -1 hit, damage, and AC), 3d6 ranged psionic attack, 5d6 30' radius psionic attack

Kai Lord: Take minimum damage from an attackk 3/day, Detect dangerous objects and creatures and determine creatures intentions.

The Ranger has an edge in combat (except hit points), but the Kai Lord has a definite edge in special abilities.
The Ranger's spells could be used to duplicate a number of the Kai Lord's special abilities piecemeal, but the Kai Lord can use them all at once.
A multiclass Ranger/Psion would balance the mental powers somewhat, but then he would fall behind on combat and wilderness affinity.
Thanks, Armitage that completly answered my question for me. So, depending on setting and supplements, Kai should intergrate nicely without Feats or major alterations....

It also lends some credence to my 3.5 Skill Point conversion questioned I asked earlier....