Does a thief dual weilding two shortswords, and who execute a successful sneak attk, roll sneak damage for both, or just the first strike with the first sword?
Xex said:Does a thief dual weilding two shortswords, and who execute a successful sneak attk, roll sneak damage for both, or just the first strike with the first sword?
Xex said:I already know when sneak attacks qualify,and when they do not. Maybe I should have put that in bold, caps, and then added color and an underline.
So I ask again, the thief weilds a shortsword in each hand, and has TWF He makes successful attack rolls for both, AND qualifies for sneak attk.. . Does he roll sneak attack damage for BOTH swords? I am thinkiing sneak attk damage applies only to the first attack, i.e. attack from one of the two shortswords. But hey.
Xex said:Add in massive damage rules, well you get the picture. Its insane that in combat all the thief has to do is keep flanking and killing opponents blow by blow.
The name of the char class is thief, not ubermunchkinyassassin.
I find feinting to be a very sneaky tactic indeed.Shonuff said:Anyway - I know others' opinions differ from mine but that's my take on the Sneak Attack stuff and what I'm considering. It shuld be horrible to be hit by a SA (all that extra damage, massive damage saves to avoid instant death, and critical strikes, etc.) but I think it should be SNEAKY to qualify as a Sneak Attack.