SLAINE aka Why is Slaine so Cool

LMFAO! Nice retort bear. :lol:

No doubt thats what all you Sessair men think. I'm sure your women don't agree. Then again, as far as they are concerned, maybe the sooner its over the better.

Sorry, I keep saying women when I mean to say SHEEP!

As for Conall, yeah, he is just a big thick eejit. You certainly couldn't make a tathlum out of the contents of his brainball. :lol:
TA :) (oh and thanks for giving me the proper spelling of eejit lol)

Now I ask you what is so wrong with sheep? after the deeds are done they make brilliant pillows.

yeah instead of going to the bother of making a Tathlum from Conalls brainball prehaps a sling and pebble would be more useful.
Oh, tis with great dismay that I type, yet another of my NPC's dispached to the netherworld with neary one of the heros breaking sweat, it would seem that this adventure has been but a stroll in the glen. Oh well, perhaps the dice will fall in my favour as the action reaches a climax...
So, Beltaine has arrived and the people of Caith Mor have gathered in their droves to watch Fineogan and Cadoras in their attempts to disprove the myth of Sessair superiority(and put Conall and Cian in their places).
Throughout the day there are games and contests of skill, strength, endurance, speed and agility. By early evening it is clear that the Fir Domain will most likely win the day. There are only a few events left and these will not occur until the actual feast starts that evening.
Only the grudges remain to be resolved. In a tense moment Fineogan is selected to face Cian and Cadoras to face Conall.
The first fight goes the way of the Fineogan and Cian is duly dispatched by the wily Fir Domain swordsman.
The second fight commences with Cadoras hurling taunts at the huge Sessair champion. Stepping forward he makes the sign of shielding(7AP) in the air before him and crouches into a defensive position.
The big Sessair seems to be boiling in his skin as he enters a warp spasm and black blood shoots from the top of his head. He swells massively in size and towers over his opponent like a titan.
The Fir Domain spearman shows no fear(although in real life I was absolutely bricking it by now). Does the Goddess truly favour this oaf or is it his rage that has enabled him to spasm so intensely.
The monstrous warped one charges across the ground expecting to lay low his opponent with little difficulty.
Cadoras has timed his countercharge perfectly. He lunges at the behemoth and stabs his spear(Woundweaver) through the flesh of his left arm, a blow that would have crippled a normal man(13 Dam).
The Warped one swings a mighty 2handed blow with his greataxe that clatters off Cadoras' shield. Cadoras retorts by stabbing woundweaver into his foes chest.
The warped one swings again wildly in his rage and one again Cadoras' shield deflects the blow.
Finally, Cadoras smacks the boss of his shield into his foes knee hoping to drive him to the ground, but to no avail.
There is a moments respite as Cadoras leaps high into the air(Salmon leap) and, with a bellowed war cry, stabs Woundweaver into his opponents chest.(Neither of the two blows have done enough damage to seriously effect the Sessair after 3AP for Greataxe and 2AP natural armour.
Conall swings at Cadoras as he descends ,intending to swat him like a fly and destroy his shield in the process. Cadoras shield is almost destroyed as chunks of wood and iron banding are hacked from it.
In a final attempt to stop the monster Cadoras flicks out with his spear at the wounded left arm but fails to further damage his opponent(Min Damage).
The tide turns and the Warped one can sense it. He attacks Cadoras with a flurry of swings(well-2 swings),one of which is parried and the other being of such monstrous power that the shields, the sign of shielding and the strength of Cadoras left arm cannot abide it(22 Dam :shock:) His arm hanging limp by his side, Cadoras hesitates(lost 2 actions for -2hp in arm,successful resilience) and is undone. A massive sweep knocks him sideways and is frantically parried using Woundweaver. He is dazed and near to unconscious but his sheer resilience enables him to keep going.
Spitting blood and defiance he is hit around the head once more. THis time the Goddess favours him as it is a glancing blow(or he might have lost his head).
The Sessair by this stage is laughing maniacally as he swings huge scything blows at his helpless opponent. Finally he catches him with a further blow that takes off the left arm. Blood fountains and Cadoras sways as he defiantly tries to remain upright before slumping to defeat(Made resilience roll following severing of limb, then promptly failed the same roll at the start of the next round).
The Druids and Witches of Caith Mor rush to lift the fallen Cadoras and the Sign of Regrowth is made over his severed limb.

So, in the end, despite a good attempt-Cadoras was defeated. :cry:
The moral of this tale is that it is not a good idea to take on a Warped Warrior in single combat. :twisted:
He was in a full Warp Spasm and had 9Hp(!) in his arms. :shock: His damage was massive(6-30 with each hit). My advantage lay in that I could(with a successful parry) absorb 15Hp of damage from each of those hits. I was only doing 2-10 damage per blow amnd with a 100% plus 2H axe skill he was absorbing 5 each strike.
I still reckon, that Cadoras could have beaten him in a Semi Spasm but when he came up with a full spasm my heart dropped. Still, it was closer than it seemed and I will probably attempt it again Lughnasadh. :lol:
No luck about that Cadoras/Connall fight, fairly won :wink: all that spear of Cads is good for is Basket Weaving :lol: , it was that dirty, sneaky other Fir Domain Mule Fineogan that got lucky (that is one of his many names aint it? :roll: ).
So are we having a runners up bout then? if so Cadoras it will be time for you to be shamed twice lol.
I can't wait to get my Heroes portion again.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah......pleasant to connall was the whistle of his thirst maddened axe.....once again, the loud mouthed fir domain are given a right kicking haha
Hmmm...this thread has gotten a little of track but it is good to read about how much fun you guys are having.

I am currently playing the Slaine RPG D20 rules in the Moon Sow campaign.

Things I like:
1. Less armor - no tanks running around that are impossible to hit.
2. No alignment
3. Enech - adds to the flavour
4. Mammoths - who wouldn't have one if you could?
5. Character concepts - give more flavour and options.
6. The whole Celtic mythological feel of it - I read the Tain and the Book of Invasions in my 20s, so seeing this stuff in a game is fun.
7. The comic - I read this as a kid and it is fun to go back to it. (although they are not as well-written as I remember)
8. The fact that my players do not know much about the monsters they fight reminds me about the days of gaming before I had the Monster Manual memorized. (Ho hum... another goblin etc.)

Things I don't like:
1. The Wiccan Horned God theme, which has the Celtic Pantheon as ursurpers. Reminds me of missionaries from other religions.