SLAINE aka Why is Slaine so Cool

I like the Slaine comic and the fact that it's been made into a role playing game

Though I don't the game myself, I still like to read the rules.

Not so sure about the Runequest Rules myself.
Standing-Stone said:
I like the Slaine comic and the fact that it's been made into a role playing game

Though I don't the game myself, I still like to read the rules.

Not so sure about the Runequest Rules myself.

The RQ rules take a touch getting used to, but as you know from the comic it takes a gritty realistic game system to actually pull off the intensity that's in that book.

The comic does rock though. I wish it was easier to get a hold of over here.

and lest I forget this:

once again us of the land of the young, LETS PLAY!!!
Other reasons for Slaine being cool, gaming last night, after the players had finished a battle, as soon as they got their hands on a barrel of heather ale the drinking began, very Celtic. Then, betting, in tje form of "bet you can't drop that ox with one punch" . Followed by the "debate" over the heroes portion, which was basically a five PC free for all fist fight, where the treachary and back-stabbing was abundant. I had little work to do, laughed lots and love Slaine, what other game could cope with so much chaos.
Ronzo The Grim said:
Other reasons for Slaine being cool, gaming last night, after the players had finished a battle, as soon as they got their hands on a barrel of heather ale the drinking began, very Celtic. Then, betting, in tje form of "bet you can't drop that ox with one punch" . Followed by the "debate" over the heroes portion, which was basically a five PC free for all fist fight, where the treachary and back-stabbing was abundant. I had little work to do, laughed lots and love Slaine, what other game could cope with so much chaos.

No other game can methinks. That's something I've stated before and I see over and over again. Everyone at the table, has a fantastic laughing good time. Even first timers.

The best bit about it..... 1hr 15mins+ of a royal rumble fist fight and it's not over 3 out of 5 still stand, I shall enjoy my heroic portion!!! my fallen Sessair battle brother weakened them dirty, cheap shooting, sneaky, ganging up Fir Domain for me the closest 2nd bestest Sessair ever to win!!!
I reckon that I was odds on for the heroes portion until that sneaky Finnegan decided that attacking me from behind was a better idea than ganging up on and kicking the cr*p out of you Sessair idiots.
Still, at least Conn knocked me out. I can live with that(just about).
Ps Bear, you are a far better Sessair than Trig. :wink:
Does make me wonder though, looking at the many replies, if everyone from Ireland plays Slaine? Though I am of the opinion that anyone in Role Playing should try a Game of Slaine at least once.

tarkhan bey said:
I reckon that I was odds on for the heroes portion until that sneaky Finnegan decided that attacking me from behind was a better idea than ganging up on and kicking the cr*p out of you Sessair idiots.
Still, at least Conn knocked me out. I can live with that(just about).
Ps Bear, you are a far better Sessair than Trig. :wink:

I took one swing at you, that I deliberately swung wide, just cause...emmm... they were ganging up on you and stuff mate and I didn't want any part in the filthy, dirty Fir Domain act (no offence :) )!!!! I was actually helping you?! :lol:
Your right I is the bestest's Sessair 8) :twisted:
I beleive that I was indeed the sole victim of this treachery which you all speak of....after all..i wanted no part in such debate/rows over the heroes was clearly mine, simply because I am me.... :D The rest of them started it out of jealously of me....haha

The first blows struck were indeed vile treachery :twisted: *cough*bear*cough* in an attempt to undermine my Sessairy awesomeness...Fir Domain love spending time insulting us, simply becuase they realise how woeful they are in comparison to us....and by talking about us all the time they hope to be evwen half as cool as us....

Ps Bear knows I am the best Sessair...dont argue...I will kill you.... haha In real

Tarkhan are indeed a most treacherous Fir Domain fox....your fiendish notion of plans confuses me much....Finnegan didnt attack you at are just small and girly, like all Fir Domain...and Falians..and anything other than Me really....

Ronzo...I demand a rematch.....the Fir Domian all

Trig out....
First off, I would like to point out that the Fir Domain have been shamed in one of their own towns when a Sessair Bogdweller can claim the heroes portion ahead of one of their own.
Believe me when I say that there will be a rematch- soon.
Secondly, the heroes portion was clearly mine. Was it not my eagle eye that smote the witch from afar and prevented her from summoning all the hordes of the El worlds to wreak havoc upon us.? Yes, I think you'll find that it was.
Also, If I had not channelled the power of the Goddess into your filthy Sessair hide through the sign of shielding, that Battlesmiter would have taken your brainball (Not that you would have missed it :lol: )
All in all, Cadoras Ap Cadwy is far better than you misbegotten sons of a peat bog. So there!
Bla Bla Bla!
Feardy feardy lil' Fir Domain is even to scared to turn up to play now :lol:
I shall gladly accept any Fir Domain challenge you set!!!
Will you accept a Sessair challenge? or do I have to force a orphan kiddy to ask you :wink: ?
Bear, I have never backed down from a challenge yet. Once we have rescued the woman and disposed of the witch, I will be happy to accept your challenge. There is a time and a place for these things you know. Of course you probably don't know, you are a Sessair after all. :roll:
(At least your new character is not a smelly Midgarder though :lol: )