SLAINE aka Why is Slaine so Cool


So I find myself on a writing project for a few people, and when I do these I like to do something off the side for a bit of fun and entertainment as well.

Since I am a Huge Slaine fan (no seriously I'm a veritable giant!) I was curious, as to what drew other Slaine fans to this game.

It's always a hit for us, even if a table is thin, it's never thin because folks didn't sign up for the game it's because they got lost or drunk or tied up somewhere (infer what you will), and when you get people playing it, they're hooked.

To me, what interests me about it is that setting wise, compared to other "fantasy games" is that it's Unique. Their really isn't an "equivalent" setting out there, this rich, and this styled, this addictive and fun to play.

It seems to me, that it appeals to a broader base of people then your typical "fantasy game of the week" does.

Now, I started with Slaine in the RQ engine. Mostly because I am not the biggest d20 fan out there, and I was an old RQ player from back in the day. I like RQ, for what I can do with it. The realism of the system allows for me to guide the Slaine games I've towards more of the feel of the Slaine graphic material.

It's just a no brainer for me why I like Slaine. It has a good FEEL to it. It doesn't feel like Dungeon Master is going to step out from behind a rock and congratulate barbarian on another good Club hit. It's just Rich.

Now, why do YOU all like it?

I love it because it brings out the roleplayer(not the roll player)in me. We are currently playing Beyond the Wailing Marsh, which our clever GM has converted from D20 to MRQ.
Six sessions in and I am as hooked on MRQ Slaine as I was on the D20 version. It does have bit of a different vibe now and a victory in single combat really feels like a victory when theres a chance your own character may die.
I love the idea that enech,honour and generosity are more important than material wealth and that(like Conan RPG) it is comparitively light on magic McGuffins.
I love the taunting and coming up with cunning plans.(Despite being of Sessair background I play a Fir Domain as it suits my playing style better.)
I love the very celtic concept of blue faced tribal headhunters.
I could go on for hours, I just love Slaine :D
See that's the response I get a Lot really. Not just, "Wow, that was a fun game!" but "I LOVE this game!".

It's got heart.

Speaking as the clever GM that Tarkhan Bey spoke of, and I thank him, I've always loved Slaine, the Celtic mythos is as good if not better than any of the 'classical' mythos, the heros are larger than life and I feel I can realite to it more. Also with Mr. Bey playing, he makes running Slaine a pleasure, Mr. Bey, is the most talented player and GM I've ever had the honour to game with, and I love him, in the good bloke way. I can sit at my window as I type and look at a Celtic Rath, with Souterrain included. I love it, I'm British and Irish and proud.

Simon says it all, lets play!!!
I'd really like to hear more about how you approached converting D20 Slaine stuff to MRQ Slaine. (Especially as Slaine himself is not in the MRQ Slaine book!).

I love the Slaine books, I love Irish/Welsh mythology and have the d20 version of the game, but I don't like d20, I would buy the BRP version as that is more to my tastes but I've pretty much done with that system... So I would love to play Slaine, I have players who would love me to run a game of Slaine, but for me to do that I would need to convert to another system, either Ubiquity (Hollow Earth Expedition) or Traveller, but I haven't got the time to mess around with it at the moment. :(
I've always had an easy time converting anything, but then I'm also a LONG time HERO system player. Hells, that, other then RQ and Traveller is the game system I've played the longest without getting disgusted by it or bored with it (d20 all versions).....

I suppose, since I'm used to converting Super Heroes to game stats in a given system, translating Slaine over from his own books is a bit of an instinctual jog for me.
I know what he can do, and I know the game system, so I can therefor look at the paper, and poof, write down what I need him to be, to do what I need him to do.

It's all about Scale really. I'll try and find my conversion notes this weekend and post a few examples.

Well I game with Tarkhan, Ronzo and Trig, they are ok I suppose :wink: I don't love them (i'm not inclined like ronzo :lol: )
SLAINE is GREAT because Things can get hit with Axes and Swords and spears and other stuff, I hear you say "sure you can do that in any game!"
but I say in reply
"This is the land of the young,
a land where you must become a man before you end your childhood,
a land where witches and druids can befriend or curse you,
a land a boy becomes a warrior or a ornament,
a land where earth power can surge through a body,
Warping a man into a war machine of uncontrollable unstoppable might!, this is Tir Nan Og."

And the runequest system is beautifully realistic, I know a fair bit about myths, magic and violence (runs in the family) and SLAINE ticks all the boxes! Hawkmoon comes close but! but being an IrishBrit SLAINE prevailes. Like Hawkmoon it's basically set on earth, therefore comparisons and connections can be made, this enhances any game
Okay, Here's my line on Slaine.

The comics were cool, but not everyone can be Slaine. The story line was mostly about a loner/legend. Not what one can really build a group story around.

RQ is sweet as the combat is gritty and death waits in each swing. I like Slaine for the feel. I love the Celtic mythos, ideas flow so easily for it. It's not all combat but role-playing is so fun.
Slaine is brilliant because:

Finn is the bestest warrior ever in the land of the young...ever....period
You get to commit acts of mindless violence....
You get to taunt Tarkhan Bey and Bear and his friend Garth.....
You get to pull weird faces, let your eyes pop out, have your kness turn back to front and your body inside out....
You get to laugh at Tarkhan Beys silly notion of Sessair know not of such things....and after all is said and done, his plans alwyas end up in a fight....thats been my "plan" all along....
Its the only game ever where every problem and scenario can be solved with a big shiny great axe, some woad paint and a skyclad Sessair.....
You get to kill all Ronzos very imporant NPCs with one blow and laugh at his reaction....

And most of all I love Slaine because more so than any other game invented, it brings the players together in a fashion that no other setting can....our players get caught up and lost in this world of mythic violence, mayhem and ethos of Tir nan Og and we revel in seem to have fun like you cant experience elsewhere when you play Slaine....

Ps I do not love Ronzy or Tarkhan or any other males for that matter....especially Bear...he has that "strange" look in his eyes when he looks at me and tries to intimidate me with his gingery curls....and the way he pouts at me is very "fishy" indeed....i think he may well be an El creature quite unlike any other.....or at least a Fomorian fish demon.....I may well have to cut off his head and mount it on my roundhut!
Ronzo, you've been imbibing the amber nectar again, haven't you? Thanks for the compliments though, the feelings of fraternity are reciprocated. However, this post is about why Slaine(not Tarkhan Bey) is cool. :wink: :lol:

Troll66, I do a very quick and basic conversion between the two based on the fact that +1 on a D20= 5% in MRQ. Therefore a warrior with Str13 and Dex12 and +4 to hit with an iron warspear in D20 has a base of 25 and adds +20 for a total of 45% in the Spear skill.
Ps I do not love Ronzy or Tarkhan or any other males for that matter....especially Bear...he has that "strange" look in his eyes when he looks at me and tries to intimidate me with his gingery curls....and the way he pouts at me is very "fishy" indeed....i think he may well be an El creature quite unlike any other.....or at least a Fomorian fish demon.....I may well have to cut off his head and mount it on my roundhut!

I see you've once again targeted my copper curls, which are frankly STUPENDOUSLY MARVELOUS better than your generic Blonde crew cut (so common :roll: ). You!, you are the beige that makes this world so beige, listening to your 'beats', Now 09 or whatever in your speedy silver cars, you you you big clunt :lol:
I love all my players, Gareth's tea cosy, Tarkhan's wit, Bear's curls, Son of's frustration and well Trig, he's just special, my favourite.

These guys make running Slaine a joy for me as they get so into the mood of tauts and celtic thinking. Best setting I've ever ran.

I've been married, have two children and currently live with my common law wife, by the way.
tarkhan bey said:
Ronzo, you've been imbibing the amber nectar again, haven't you? Thanks for the compliments though, the feelings of fraternity are reciprocated. However, this post is about why Slaine(not Tarkhan Bey) is cool. :wink: :lol:

Troll66, I do a very quick and basic conversion between the two based on the fact that +1 on a D20= 5% in MRQ. Therefore a warrior with Str13 and Dex12 and +4 to hit with an iron warspear in D20 has a base of 25 and adds +20 for a total of 45% in the Spear skill.

I like that bit of math. Keeps the scale and the balance, something sorely lacking in the power creep of d20.....

The other comments, I think lean towards our view of Slaine on the team. The game, has a feel, and energy, other games just seem to lack (And Hawkmoon DOES come very close, so does Elric as well though Elric is a bit more Emo :D ).....

A Game of Slaine always feels like a living breathing thing. Especially with crazy game masters like Evil Ernie that show up lathered in Woad and bug eyed ready to rock out. :D

Thanks know im your favourite as im the most amazing talented and terrifying Sessair in all of the universe....haha :twisted:

As for our "ginger" curled welp Bear.....let just say that Finns generic blond crew cut brings more cumals to his roundhosue than those possesed fish demony curls of yours.....and anyway, my silver coated chariot is much faster than yours..owing to the fact that I am brilliant and have lots of brain balls mounted on it...unlike your crappy little two wheeled smelly slave im the beige that makes our world so beige then you must be the brown that soils my roundhouses toilet bowl after a hard night on the wine/toilet duck....haha...Finn out... :D
And hence, again, why Slaine is COOL. You never see such conversation and camaraderie on a 4e DnD board. :D
