Skinnie Speeders Heavy and Light


Just noticed the Skinnie Speeders both Heavy and Light are Listed on the Main Page as being on Sale Now.

So all you Skinnie Army dudes can rejoice, you have not been forgotten!! :D :D :D :D :D [/b]
nope, there's a good few SST minis coming out between now and Evo's launch- mostly finishing off the Skinnies and MI special weapons packs (repackaging of LAMI and PAMI heavy weapons troopers and such)
Lorcan Nagle said:
nope, there's a good few SST minis coming out between now and Evo's launch- mostly finishing off the Skinnies and MI special weapons packs (repackaging of LAMI and PAMI heavy weapons troopers and such)

Ya, I'm a lot happier with the Skinnie Weapons pack than the speeders. My Ambushing Squads just got a lot nastier... mmmm 5 ambushing Soldiers with Neural Beamers :)

The Speeders just aren't worth it IMHO. They're really not much better than a Guard with extended jump (but cost a lot more), and the constrictor cannons limit their effects to Size3 or smaller enemies. I'll take Guards over speeders every time!
Thanks for the info.
I watched my first Skinny game Friday night. Skinnies v. LAMI. God those Skinnies are brutal!!
Now they will just get worse.
Makes you want to start an army. :wink:
Voracioustigger said:
The Speeders just aren't worth it IMHO. They're really not much better than a Guard with extended jump (but cost a lot more), and the constrictor cannons limit their effects to Size3 or smaller enemies. I'll take Guards over speeders every time!

Constrictor Cannons can effect CHAS's, Marauders, & Exo Suits - and everything in an Arachnid Army excepting Tankers, Plasma Bugs, Overseer Bugs, and Queens - and you can take more than enough KillShot Weapons or Boneshard Weapons to cope with the "Big Stuff" in an Arachnid Army anyway.

It seems that you are just looking at the numbers now, thats the GW way. I pick an Army based on flavour/fluff of the Force and 'coolness' of appearance myself.

Constrictor Cannons are very usefull IMHO, and the Mass Driver on the Heavy Speeder Rocks!
Lieutenant Rasczak said:
Voracioustigger said:
The Speeders just aren't worth it IMHO. They're really not much better than a Guard with extended jump (but cost a lot more), and the constrictor cannons limit their effects to Size3 or smaller enemies. I'll take Guards over speeders every time!

Constrictor Cannons can effect CHAS's, Marauders, & Exo Suits - and everything in an Arachnid Army excepting Tankers, Plasma Bugs, Overseer Bugs, and Queens - and you can take more than enough KillShot Weapons or Boneshard Weapons to cope with the "Big Stuff" in an Arachnid Army anyway.

It seems that you are just looking at the numbers now, thats the GW way. I pick an Army based on flavour/fluff of the Force and 'coolness' of appearance myself.

Constrictor Cannons are very usefull IMHO, and the Mass Driver on the Heavy Speeder Rocks!

Yes, but why would I want to pay more for a speeder that's cannons have half the range? Guards can still take constrictor cannons if I want to take them (Though Boneshard rifles are often more effective), and then they'll be shielded by other models in the squad AND have 12" more range.

I could see putting in a Speeder if I have 90pts I can't fill, but other than that, the points are just better spent elsewhere.

About the "GW way"... ummmmm... I'm just confused. GW players are pretty much split down the middle. Half go for the most effective force and half go for the most fluffy. This is SST... fluffiness will be gone in less than a year. This is now completely a wargame. Build the best army, use the best strategy and win. That's why you play. Sure, you don't want to go to the extreme where it's not fun for both people, but you're still trying to win. Do you ever play monopoly, chess, cards, etc and NOT try to win (little kids being an exception)?

You can always play SST for reasons other than the intended reason, but the reason to play (with prepainted models) is clearly the game and not the hobby/fluff/appearance.
I would like to get myself another heavy. I should paint this one up for this saturday though, ah well. Fingers crossed I can use my MI, borrow someone elses Marauders as I forgot to buy some. I only need a chickenhawk and ape.
Voracioustigger said:
Yes, but why would I want to pay more for a speeder that's cannons have half the range? Guards can still take constrictor cannons if I want to take them (Though Boneshard rifles are often more effective), and then they'll be shielded by other models in the squad AND have 12" more range.

Because they are mounted on a faster moving model, thats a little more robust than a standard Trooper. For that matter why take Marauders, you can carry most weapons on normal MI Troopers. You take it cos you want it.

Voracioustigger said:
I could see putting in a Speeder if I have 90pts I can't fill, but other than that, the points are just better spent elsewhere.

Nope, I heartily disagree - I've used proxie Skinnie Speeders to great effect, In fact out of the four games where I have proxied them - I've won all four (as opposed to the "Venerables drawing all fire on the table" fiasco Lol!)

Voracioustigger said:
About the "GW way"... ummmmm... I'm just confused. GW players are pretty much split down the middle. Half go for the most effective force and half go for the most fluffy.

When they are young, they go for the fluff (mostly Space Marine fluff, but thats a different issue). As they grow older, they become more competative and the beards start to grow both in gaming terms and in reality. I've heard the 'split down the middle' argument so many times, and always from the most guilty - sorry my friend, I'm jaded by my experience.

Voracioustigger said:
This is SST... fluffiness will be gone in less than a year. This is now completely a wargame.

Rubbish, and I am sure that Matt would tell you the same. There will be plenty of fluff, trust me. Warmachine/Hordes and Rezolution operate a Card based unit/model system, and they are some of the fluffiest games around.

Voracioustigger said:
Build the best army, use the best strategy and win. That's why you play.

Having a solid Role Playing background I pick an army based what I like the look of or based on Fluff. My T'Phai Force was a one shot Army, just to see if it worked. It did - for a very short time. The rest of the group quickly found ways to deal with it Lol. I am not an overly competative bloke "on the table" - I do not play like that - never have, never will. If I win or lose I do so graciousley (anyone who's played me at VOR or Hordes will tell you what a great loser I am - if happens enough Lol).

Voracioustigger said:
Sure, you don't want to go to the extreme where it's not fun for both people, but you're still trying to win. Do you ever play monopoly, chess, cards, etc and NOT try to win (little kids being an exception)?

I don't play board (bored?) games, or cards (I don't gamble either) - and I only generally play Chess when teaching youngsters basic tactics. So no, I don't play just 'to win'.

Voracioustigger said:
You can always play SST for reasons other than the intended reason, but the reason to play (with prepainted models) is clearly the game and not the hobby/fluff/appearance.

Again, I disagree - total trott. People will be even more inclined to pick the prettiest miniatures (at least initially) with the onset of pre-painteds.

My group has already sort of decided what Forces we want to play for BE WITHOUT even knowing rules or army lists.

Good gamers play to win, GREAT gamers play for fun.
Rob_alderman said:
I would like to get myself another heavy. I should paint this one up for this saturday though, ah well. Fingers crossed I can use my MI, borrow someone elses Marauders as I forgot to buy some. I only need a chickenhawk and ape.

I'll be bringing mine with me Rob.
shiny :).

I will definately need to paint a lot of MI though. Maybe I'll just do the basics. Maybe I can get away with it. :p Then finish it when I can.
Nah, I really dont drybrush. I have a Kevin Dallimore approach with a twist. Layers followed by one or two highlights. Sometimes I drybrush, my MI are my 'precious' SST force, my skinnies are just my playing force. I love wierd armies.
Lieutenant Rasczak said:
Good gamers play to win, GREAT gamers play for fun.[/b][/color]

Cool, so I'm a good gamer AND a great gamer... Guess that makes me the best :wink:

But seriously, as to fluff, I'm just taking it to its logical conclusion. Fluff will certainly exist, but will that be the draw of SST: Evo? No. The draw to SST will be 1) The Rules and 2) The quick playability. A distant third will be name recognition and then beyond that somewhere will be fluff.

I have no doubt that a LOT of current gamers like SST for fluff reasons, but I just don't see anyone who does not yet play SST, start SST:Evo because of love for the fluff. Logically this implies that they'll only join for other reasons. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that if SST:Evo encourages more players to play, then those players will not be primarily interested in fluff. Furthermore, if we assume that MGP is trying to at least double their player population (which isn't far fetched at all), then we can also assume that the majority of players of SST:Evo will not be primarily interested in fluff.

So, sure, your gaming group might continue to love fluff, but I just don't see it being as big of a factor in the game once SST:Evo arrives.

Also, back to the speeders issue (I don't want to make my post completely off topic)...

Your counter argument about Speeders is illegitimate. Speeders are NOT faster than Skinnie units with the jump trait. For 25pts (or 5pts or less per model), Jumping skinnie squads can move just as fast as a Speeder (18"), but can still shoot their Constrictor cannons 24". So, the Cannons on a Speeder have a 30" effective range while Guards with the same weapons have a 42" range.

I could rant more, but then this will get out of hand. I'm not saying that Skinnie speeders are useless, just that I believe the points are better spent elsewhere. You may use them to great effect, but that doesn't prove that a different use of those points could be used to a greater effect.
Voracioustigger said:
but I just don't see anyone who does not yet play SST, start SST:Evo because of love for the fluff.

SST:EVO however can give that final push to those who love fluff but who just can't add yet another game on their painting table...So SST:EVO will still attract people who like it's fluff simply by virtue of having prepainted models.

Know several of such persons myself so no point denying it :lol: