Lieutenant Rasczak said:
Good gamers play to win, GREAT gamers play for fun.[/b][/color]
Cool, so I'm a good gamer AND a great gamer... Guess that makes me the best :wink:
But seriously, as to fluff, I'm just taking it to its logical conclusion. Fluff will certainly exist, but will that be the draw of SST: Evo? No. The draw to SST will be 1) The Rules and 2) The quick playability. A distant third will be name recognition and then beyond that somewhere will be fluff.
I have no doubt that a LOT of current gamers like SST for fluff reasons, but I just don't see anyone who does not yet play SST, start SST:Evo because of love for the fluff. Logically this implies that they'll only join for other reasons. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that if SST:Evo encourages more players to play, then those players will not be primarily interested in fluff. Furthermore, if we assume that MGP is trying to at least double their player population (which isn't far fetched at all), then we can also assume that the majority of players of SST:Evo will not be primarily interested in fluff.
So, sure, your gaming group might continue to love fluff, but I just don't see it being as big of a factor in the game once SST:Evo arrives.
Also, back to the speeders issue (I don't want to make my post completely off topic)...
Your counter argument about Speeders is illegitimate. Speeders are NOT faster than Skinnie units with the jump trait. For 25pts (or 5pts or less per model), Jumping skinnie squads can move just as fast as a Speeder (18"), but can still shoot their Constrictor cannons 24". So, the Cannons on a Speeder have a 30" effective range while Guards with the same weapons have a 42" range.
I could rant more, but then this will get out of hand. I'm not saying that Skinnie speeders are useless, just that I believe the points are better spent elsewhere. You may use them to great effect, but that doesn't prove that a different use of those points could be used to a greater effect.