Signs & Portents I


Hi, Team Mongoose!

Yesterday I got my own S&P issue I......First of all I want to say that S&P will be an enrichment for every RPG fan.....I was pleased with several articles :P
(f.e. the Minbari Federation Fact Book or the Upgrades: Armour preview: I`m very curious to see new powered battle armours and the multi legged Centaur warmek class...I love the idea of new prestige classes like Bitter Ex - Mek pilot, Mekhunter, Cold Blooded Killer)

But...... :cry: I was a little bit disappointed about the article, dealing with a new mercenary group....the Nukie Browns. The idea of making an interview with mercenary group is nice, but the whole interview stayed on the surface......after reading this article I did not know more about this group than before! The whole article seemed to be written in the bus or WC or.....etc.....this article was written lovelessly....and the new warmek, which was praised on the internet side looks (I`m sorry to write this) awful and ,here is this word again, LOVELESS. I think that this kind of new warmeks (Birdshot) will destroy the whole atmosphere, which was built up in the main rulebook. So it is better (in my opinion) to publish less warmeks than such awful things.......

I hope I did not hurt anybody :!: ....but I think this great setting (A: 2089) should not be destroyed by a decline of quality.

Have a nice night!
Hi, Team Mongoose!

In order to be fair I`ve to say that the sourcebook: Warmachines of 2089 looks great....I`ve bought it yesterday! :P

I guess there are several machines, which can be used well in the game!

I hope there will be a continuation in order to reflect the gain of new technologies! :P
Hello !!!

Because you mentioned the Birdshot and the sourcebook "Warmachines of 2089", i would like to say something. First the Birdshot really looks awful, i hope there will be better designs in S&P's in the future.
Second i have to say that the designs of the meks in "warmachines of 2089" are very good, BUT: why the hell is the rendering quality of the meks so bad in comparison to the standard, the main rulebook has set in that area ???
To be honest, I'm a little bit PISSED OFF, because in the main rulebook you show an amazing quality in rendering the meks (the pictures are also bigger than in the warmachines 2089 book), and then such a downfall !!!
I have paid money for that book (to you), and i don't understand that. It seems, that you had not enough time to give the mek-images in the warmachines-book the same level of quality as in the rulebook. And you should not forget, that these rendering pictures have brought me (and a lot of other paying customers to the Armageddon:2089 franchise!!) - and the missing of that high quality in your future sourcebooks can also get me away of that universe (and my money from your purse!!!).
So finally i hope that your future products will again match the standard of the rulebook!!!
son of a preacherman said:
Second i have to say that the designs of the meks in "warmachines of 2089" are very good, BUT: why the hell is the rendering quality of the meks so bad in comparison to the standard, the main rulebook has set in that area ???

I did not see much reduction in the rendering quality. Most are just as good as the main book. The lighting and backgrounds may be the problem as the pictures lack the crispness of the main book. I do agree that some Mechs, those sharing the background on p40, are of a lower standard.