This is not directly an answer to the question posed in the original post, but I thought you might find it interesting nonetheless;
The linearity of ship construction if strictly following the HG2022 rules bothered me a lil' bit — sure, larger ships take more time to build, but one needs to take into account that a lot of the effort of building a ship is its hull, and when it comes to hulls, the square-cube law comes into play; if you quadruple the volume of an object whilst maintaining its shape, its surface area will only have increase by a factor of 2. So, in theory, if you were to make a copy of a 100 dTon ship, but four times bigger at 400 dTons, its surface area would only be twice as large and the construction time would be somewhere between 2 and 4 times as long.
Following that line of reasoning, I concocted the following house rule: the actual construction time of a ship is given by assuming the base 1MCr/Day construction rate, which is then multiplied by a size factor that is calculated as: 10 * (√x)/x
, where 'x' is the ship's tonnage. For ships of 100 dTons, this modifier is exactly 1.
So as an example, using the rules as-written in the High Guard 2022 book, a Beowulf-class Type-A Free Trader, which costs MCr46.242 and is a TL12 ships (Construction Time Reduction of 90%) would take 46.242 * 0.9 = 41.6178
days to build.
Using the above house rule, it'd take that same time but multiplied by a factor of 10 * √200/200 = ~0.7071
so the construction time would be 41.6178 * 0.7071 = ~29.4279
days, or just shy of a month*.
*Be that the Imperial Calendar 28-day 'month' or the real-world 30-day month.
Applying the same maths to a much larger ship, such as a Tigress:
A MCr356830.9335, TL15 ship would, rules-as-written, take 356830.9335 * 0.6 = 214098.5601
days; in other words, about half a millennium and a few decades. Even with the additional 90% reduction for modular construction of ships of 50,000 or more dTons would only bring that down to 58.6 years.
Using the house rule, we find that the Tigress would have a size multiplier of 10 * √500000/500000 = ~0.01414213562
, so its construction time would be 214098.5601 * 0.01414213562 = 3027.81087298
days, or some 8.3 years. If using the modular construction reduction as well, it'd bring it down to 302 days.
Amusingly, this houserule brings construction times much more in-line, although not exactly so, to the ship construction times as given in Classic Traveller modules (a Tigress took some 56 months to build according to Supplement 9: Fighting Ships if singly, and 40 in quantity).
Edit: As a further exploration of this houserule; for ships under 100 dTons, the multiplier is actually larger than one, so it implies it takes more time to construct a small craft than the straight '1 Day per MCr' rule would imply. This has some interesting consequences:
A Shuttle (95 tons, MCr14.6745, TL12) would take 14.6745 * 0.9 * (10 * √95/95) = ~13.55
days to build under the houserule.
A Light Fighter (10 tons, MCr9.432, TL12) would take 9.432 * 0.9 * (10 * sqrt(10)/10) = ~26.844
days to build.
At first it might be confusing for a craft that's one-fifth the size of the other to take nearly twice as long to build, but I actually find this quite reasonable; one's a military-spec craft built to more exacting tolerances, whereas the other is a glorified flying tin can.