Shipbuilding and shipyards


We already have universal standards.

In fact, we dictate laws of physics, to the point that Terran gravitational field is the standard for acceleratio
The rules are written by the Victors and the humans of Terra won that
The general assumption for a Class A starport is that it can construct a significant tonnage of ships. I know of no specific number in either tonnage or hulls to rate 'Class A' but a good thumbnail would be 10,000 tons of construction space with each ship being no larger than 1000 tons.

This conversation has got me pondering a similar question: Is there anything in the rules about how profitable it is to own a spaceport or station? It just occurred to me that I haven't actually seen that anywhere, so if I were to build my very own Starport above a world, how would I ever calculate the weekly or monthly income from that? Unlike a shipyard that would presumably have a ship to sell at the end, it seems like there is substantially more gears in the background that have to be abstracted to make a spaceport "profitable." A DS9 or Babylon V type setting might actually be a viable option for a campaign.
Figure out who you're catering to.

Starports tend to need certification, and within the Imperium, run exclusively by it.

Which leave spaceports and marinas.

Pirates, low cost spacelines, couriers ...