Really powerfu/important Shadakine vessels might also have Shasarak looking over them, sending them air/water elemental aid when needed. (kind of like in Darksun, when the templars called upon the sorceror-kings)
Imagine pc's with a whole fleet, fully armed with cannon's coming across a lone shadaki ship, and attacking it. his crew lies dying, the captain falls on his own cutlass, and with his dying breath calls out a plea, "Wytch King...avenge us!". Suddenly two huge orbs open up in the sky above, and regard the hero's with a baleful gaze...the eyes coalesce into slits, and bolts of lightning crack out and rip into the fleet, obliterating it into smithereens. The hero's turn around in horror, and see a huge tsunami lifting out of the ocean, and bearing down upon them...