Ship's Locker: Out of the Closet

Gauche: Civilian Rifling

1. Basic eight hundred starbux, three and one eighth kilogrammes, technological level twelve.

2. Four damage dice, ninety round capacity, six hundred metres effective range, penetration two, fifty starbux per hundred rounds, recoil minus one.

3. Signature emission (low), Quickdraw zero.

4. Repeater mechanism (lever action), four hundred starbux, forty five ammunition capacity.

5. 9111111111111% ammunition reduction, 182.2222222222222 starbux, 1.423611111111111 kilogrammes.

6. Four round en bloc clip, with battery from default box magazine, good for at least ninety shots.

7. Or remove battery from default magazine, insert it into the modified gauss rifle, good for at least ninety shots.

8. Barrel rifle length, 54.6666666666666 starbux, 711805555555555 grammes.

9. Full stock,18.22222222222222 starbux, 1423611111111111 grammes; total 255.1111111111111 starbux, 2.27777777777777 kilogrammes.
Fixed magazine reduces cost and weight by another ten percent, which I'll leave to the reader's imagine, and the en bloc clip costs one percent of the final cost.

Though in theory, a lot of these magazine costs should be based on the receiver cost, and not necessarily on all mentioned features and modifications.
Gauche: Handjob

1. One technological level up and one damage dice down.

2. Advantage is that it can be installed in handguns and assault weapons, which the default rifle cannot.

3. I think it's sort of understood that three dice is lethal, or at least disabling, for most humans.

4. Penetration plus two will shred normal protection.

5. Hundred metres range is dwarfed by six hundred, but exceeds that of previous handguns.

6. While an assault barrel halves range, unlike handgun barrel, it does not minus off penetration.

7. It's probably close to the ultimate in personal protection, slug throwerwise.

8. Barrel length has no effect on default damage potential, so you could use a short barrel with a range of ten metres.

9. It's quite possible that you can't really miss, and if you do hit, the threat is eliminated.
Gauche: Handjob

A. Agents of interstellar law enforcement will likely be equipped with gauss pistols.

B. As well as a lot of planetary law enforcement departments, who have the budget and access to purchase them.

C. It's a given that most interstellar militaries of technological level thirteen and above would issue them to their specialized personnel and commissioned officers.

D. Or, if they have access to other sources that can supply them if their own industrial base can't.

E. It's just too effective a tool in small form, not to employ it.

F. Except in microgravity, and even then, there's that minus one to recoil, compared to minus two for snubbery.
Gauche: Handjob

G. You have damage potential three dice, free and clear, similar to intermediate rifle round.

H. I'm thinking that you could use it for hunting with a rifle, or longer, barrel.

I. But suddenly I'm thinking of over penetration.

J. That could also be a problem for law enforcement.

K. And suddenly blasting stuff inside a spacecraft with it seems less appealing.
Gauche: Handjob

L. I don't think that there is any prohibition to prevent modifying the gauss needles.

M. Or, at least the tip.

N. Going by The Day of the Jackal, a drop of mercury in front to turn it into a high explosive bullet.

O. The tip could also be hollow point, or softened, so that they expand as they penetrate.

P. Enhanced wounding ammunition, which neutralizes the two points of penetration, and damage is now three dice plus six.
Gauche: Handjob

Q. With no felt recoil, a gauss pistol is about perfect as a personal sidearm.

R. If it weren't for penetration plus two, great for home security.

S. If you started shooting intruders, you'd have to worry about over penetration of the walls, which could endanger your family, or if living in an apartment block, your neighbours.

T. Law enforcement would have to think twice about shooting unarmoured perpetrators.

U. And suddenly, spacecraft hulls start looking rather thin.
Weapon: Gauss Automatic Pistol
Type: Handgun

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Handgun/small gauss - Cr350 - 1.0kg - Quickdraw 4
Ammunition Type: Small Gauss — Base Damage: 3D
Ammunition Cost: Cr50 per 100 rounds
Base Range: 100m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 10 rounds
Base Capacity Variation x3
Signature: Emissions (low)
Penetration +2

Mechanism: Burst Capable — +10% — none — Automatic 2
Receiver Feature: Bullpup — +25% — none — Quickdraw +2
Receiver Feature: Quickdraw — +20% — none — Quickdraw +2, Accuracy +1 (>25m), Inaccurate -1 (<25m)
Receiver Feature: Rugged — +30% — +10% —
Receiver Feature: Vacuumized — +20% — none —
Receiver Feature: High Capacity +20% — +20% — +10% — Ammunition Capacity +20%
Modified Ammunition Capacity: +50% — +50% — +25% — Ammunition Capacity +50%
Receiver Totals ———— Cr1'621.62 - 1.5125kg
Barrel: Handgun ———— Cr243.243 - 0.3025kg - Range -80%, Quickdraw +4 , Penetration -1
Stock: Stockless ——— Cr0 - 0.0kg — Quickdraw (+2), Inaccurate -2 (<25m)
Totals ——————— Cr1'864.863 - 1.815kg
Weapon: Gauss Automatic Pistol
Type: Handgun

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Handgun/small gauss - Cr350 - 1.0kg - Quickdraw 4
Ammunition Type: Small Gauss — Base Damage: 3D
Ammunition Cost: Cr50 per 100 rounds
Base Range: 100m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 10 rounds
Base Capacity Variation x3
Signature: Emissions (low)
Penetration +2

Mechanism: Burst Capable — +10% — none — Automatic 2
Modified Ammunition Capacity: +33.3333333% — +33.3333333% — +16.66666667% — Ammunition Capacity +33.3333333%
Receiver Totals ———— Cr513.3333333333333 - 1.333333333333333kg
Barrel: Handgun ———— Cr77.00 - 0.2666666666666667kg - Range -80%, Quickdraw +4 , Penetration -1
Stock: Stockless ——— Cr0 - 0.0kg — Quickdraw (+2), Inaccurate -2 (<25m)
Totals ——————— Cr590.3333333333333 - 1.6kg

Gauss pistols use electromagnetic coils to accelerate metallic darts to hypersonic speeds. Gauss weapons are efficient, deadly and comparatively lightweight.

Weapon —— TL — Range ————— Damage — Kg — Cost —— Magazine — Magazine Cost — Quickdraw — Traits
Gauss Pistol — 13 — 5/20/40/80-160 —— 3D —— 1.6 — Cr590.34 — 40 ———— Cr20 —————— 8 —— Automatic 2, Armour Piercing +3, Emissions Signature (low)
It's quite possible that someone forgot to have a Base Capacity Variation entry for Gauss Weapons in the Concentional Firearms table.

Say a third more for Small Gauss, maybe something less for Enhanced Gauss; possibly their needles are smaller or larger than Standard, which would explain the discrepancy in default ammunition capacity, and subsequent increase in cost and weight, compared to canon Gauss Pistol, and worksheet example.
Gauche: Magazines

1. A standard magazine costs one percent of the weapon's purchase price.

2. I could dispute this, but this is in regard to the gauss pistol specifically.

3. The design example lists a forty round standard magazine for the Gee Ess Forty as twenty five starbux, presumably twenty for the ammunition and five for the magazine itself, close enough to one percent mandate.

4. Canon has it at twenty starbux exact, for the canonical gauss pistol.

5. My go at a canonically performing gauss pistol would therefore have the magazine at six starbux, therefore twenty six starbux total.

6. However, assuming it requires a battery to power at least forty shots, that does seem on the low side.

7. However much energy is required per shot.

8. Also, wouldn't a twenty six starbux forty round magazine be compatible to the gun well for a heavily customized sixteen hundred variant, rather than requiring a specific sixteen starbux standard magazine?

9. Just some thoughts regarding magazines, standardization, commonality and juicing your weapon platform.
Weapon: Gauss Pistol
Type: Handgun

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Handgun/small gauss - Cr350 - 1.0kg - Quickdraw 4
Ammunition Type: Small Gauss — Base Damage: 3D
Ammunition Cost: Cr50 per 100 rounds
Base Range: 100m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 10 rounds
Base Capacity Variation x3
Signature: Emissions (low)
Penetration +2

Mechanism: Semi Automatic — none — none —
Receiver Totals ———— Cr350.00 - 1.0kg
Barrel: Handgun ———— Cr70.00 - 0.15kg - Range -80%, Quickdraw +4 , Penetration -1
Stock: Stockless ——— Cr0 - 0.0kg — Quickdraw (+2), Inaccurate -2 (<25m)
Totals ——————— Cr420.00 - 1.15kg
Gauche: Handjob

V. Considering the muzzle velocity of gauss weapon systems, any movement bonuses to avoid being hit should be reduced.

W. The Eye Ay Double You Twelve, however, does have a base ammunition capacity of sixty rounds.

X. On the other hand, assault weapons have an organic fully automatic mechanism, so doesn't need to install that feature.

Y. I would think that if a gauss needle breaks the sound barrier, there would be a loud crack.

Z. Carbinaztion of the gauss pistol, or riflelization, would get you the full effective range, possibly a reasonable upgrade from the advanced combat rifle.
Weapon: Gauss Assault Weapon
Type: Assault Weapon

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Assault Weapon (Gauss) - Cr600 - 2.5kg - Quickdraw 2
Ammunition Type: Small Gauss — Base Damage: 3D
Ammunition Cost: Cr50 per 100 rounds
Base Range: 100m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 20 rounds
Base Capacity Variation x3
Signature: Emissions (low)
Penetration +2

Mechanism: Fully Automatic — none — none — Automatic 3
Receiver Totals ———— Cr600.00 - 2.5kg
Barrel: Assault ———— Cr120.00 - 0.75kg - Range -50%, Quickdraw +2
Stock: Stockless ——— Cr0 - 0.0kg — Quickdraw +2, Inaccurate -2 (<25m)
Totals ——————— Cr720.00 - 3.25kg
Gauche: Handjob

1. Gauss Assault Weapon definitely illegal, it would rip the target apart.

2. Two hundred eighty three percent the weight of a gauss pistol, semi automatic.

3. One hundred seventy two percent the cost.

4. But fully automatic, with a recoil of one.

5. Double ammunition capacity.

6. Two hundred fifty percent range.

7. Armour piercing four, compared to three, but minus one to damage potential dice.

8. Practically caseless, so enclosed magazine.

9. Probably easily obtainable, cheap, ammunition, likely technological level five manufacture.
Last edited:
Weapon: Gauss Rifle
Type: Longarm

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Longarm (Gauss) - Cr800 - 3.125kg - Quickdraw 0
Ammunition Type: Standard Gauss — Base Damage: 3D
Ammunition Cost: Cr50 per 100 rounds
Base Range: 600m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 30 rounds
Base Capacity Variation x3
Signature: Emissions (low)
Penetration +2

Mechanism: Fully Automatic — +20% — none — Automatic 3
Receiver Totals ———— Cr960.00 - 3.125kg
Barrel: Assault ———— Cr192.00 - 0.9375kg - Range -50%, Quickdraw +2
Stock: Full Stock ——— Cr96.00 - 0.3125kg
Totals ——————— Cr1'248.00 - 4.375kg
With a standard gauss receiver, you have an abundance of riches, though in a rather heavy format.

If the standard carried ammunition (at the moment) are seven thirty round magazines, you could potentially have seventy seven percent of that in one somewhat largish magazine at one hundred sixty two.

The assault barrel implies that close quarters is expected, and effective three hundred metres means seventy five metres close range; it's an easy compromise, since you could specialize the rifle for longer ranged engagement, or for winning at close quarters.
Weapon: Gauss Rifle
Type: Longarm

Component ————— Cost - Weight - Other Factors
Receiver Type: Longarm (Enhanced Gauss) - Cr800 - 3.125kg - Quickdraw 0
Ammunition Type: Enhanced Gauss — Base Damage: 3D
Ammunition Cost: Cr50 per 100 rounds
Base Range: 650m
Base Ammunition Capacity: 30 rounds
Base Capacity Variation x3
Signature: Emissions (low)
Penetration +2

Mechanism: Fully Automatic — +20% — none — Automatic 3
Receiver Totals ———— Cr960.00 - 3.125kg
Barrel: Assault ———— Cr192.00 - 0.9375kg - Range -50%, Quickdraw +2
Stock: Full Stock ——— Cr96.00 - 0.3125kg
Totals ——————— Cr1'248.00 - 4.375kg