Shemite City-States


Friends, I was wondering- the city-states in Shem, specifically those in the eastern desert, who actually runs them? They would be 'desert Shem', correct? Not 'meadow Shem'.....

If this is true, would the desert nomads to business with these city-states, OTHER than trying to loot them? I would imagine they'd have to do business- how else would they get weapons, wine etc. ? Also, would the desert nomads dislike/hate the Shem that live and work in said city-states?

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated, for I'm starting a mini-campaign in Shem and would like some clarifications before I begin :)
think it sould be a hate/hate relationship the nomads are hard on the soft city dwellers and the city dwellers think the nomads like their camels too much :shock: but the clever ones on both sides know that they cannot live without each other hope that helps :D
I would guess that the nomads, are like many historical raiders, opportunists. That is they raid when they can get away with it, and trade when they can't.
I would think of the desert nomads as traditionalists, they kept up the old lifestyles and culture of the harsh desert life. The city dwellers have given in to the "easy" life, but feel the opportunity of the city and trade is the only way to strengthen their culture. Both may feel they are right in how to improve or keep their culture alive. The desert nomad may raid to prove the city dwellers are weak, and the city dwellers may hog all the resourses to prove how weak the desert nomads are.

It is a point of view which no one will win at. But if an outside force tries to attack either the desert nomads or the city nomads (well, as city dwellers, they couldn't exactly be nomads), both groups of nomads would quickly join up to expell the threat. And for a while would get along until old enmities cropped up again.
dunderm said:
I would think of the desert nomads as traditionalists, they kept up the old lifestyles and culture of the harsh desert life. The city dwellers have given in to the "easy" life, but feel the opportunity of the city and trade is the only way to strengthen their culture. Both may feel they are right in how to improve or keep their culture alive. The desert nomad may raid to prove the city dwellers are weak, and the city dwellers may hog all the resourses to prove how weak the desert nomads are.

It is a point of view which no one will win at. But if an outside force tries to attack either the desert nomads or the city nomads (well, as city dwellers, they couldn't exactly be nomads), both groups of nomads would quickly join up to expell the threat. And for a while would get along until old enmities cropped up again.

Very nice description. Well put. 8)