Seeking MP3 editing software for sound effects


Is there a program that would let me clip 10 seconds of an MP3 and loop it to use as atmospheric background sounds during a session?

Free and easy to use software would be best since I am not a programmer and have no audio design experience.
I _think_ Garageband comes free with some of the iMacs (you might be able to dload it from apple ?). I think that program can do what you want.

Mad Dog is a good place to go looking for freeware/shareware programs. Im sure you'll find something there.
You can do this with iTunes. Here are the steps:

1) Choose a song and open the "Get Info" dialogue through the File menu or by right-clicking.

2) In the "Get Info" dialogue, go to Options and set a start and stop time for the song. Close the dialogue.

3) In the Advanced menu, choose "Convert song to ***" where *** is a format (the default is AAC but this can be changed in your preferences).

This will make a copy of the song from the start time to the stop time.
You also have Jet Audio 6.0.3. It's free and excellent because you can even convert Midi format (from video games) into MP3 and can even add some special effects in the process.
After seeing this thread at work yesterday I did a search on CNET:

Look at Audacity 1.2.2

I'm gonna download it a try out your idea; I copied the wav files from my Dark Ages of Camelot folder, hehe.