Secrets of the Ancients


What's the difference between the two Secrets of the Ancients that are available from Mongoose? Is it simply that the paid product has a new layout, illustrations, maps &c. or is there a difference in content between it and the free campaign.

I didn't find the answer to this from a quick search so apologies if the answer is blindingly obvious and I've missed it.

Judging from the preview on Drive Thru RPG, the content of
the PDF on sale there seems to be identical to the free cam-
paign material.
They should be identical in content, just don't get the print version until next January or February, there was a big screw up on the print version, and the new corrected version won't be out until then.
I think I was among the first to point out on the forum then the print version of Secrets of the Ancients is missing an entire chapter. Others found other omissions. This was not intentional and the book is being corrected. DO NOT buy it. Mongoose is supposed to be recalling it and re-releasing it in a couple of months. The PDF stuff is complete and also free. Me, I just likes me those nice hardcover rpg books.