Mark Still
Having studied this encounter at great depth, having read Battle Summery no.13 official government documents on German Auxiliary Cruisers. Also Captain Detmers diary translated to English from German.
I am mot going to list all the details here it's point less for a game but if you do want further info on this engagement email or alternitively
Here's the scenario: This is going to be a very quick game.
1x Perth Class light Cruiser (Sydney)
1x German Commerce Raider (HSK Kormoran)
19th November 1941
The Sydney was investigating the Kormoran due to radio messages reporting Commerce raiders where operating in the area.
The Sydney was not ready for an engagement nor was it battle stations when it moved towards the Komoran to investigate.The Kormoran was disguised as Straat Maalaka a Japanese merchant ship.
The vessels are 12" apart when the engagement starts.
The Kormoran get initiative for the 1st turn only!
The Sydney's 1st shots are at -1 to hit (historically 1st salvo missed) as it's taken by surprise.
Historical out come:
The Kormoran had Major damage to the engines & a huge blaze in the Engine room. Immobilizing the ship. so Captain Detmers decides to scuttle & abandon the ship. The engines are too badly damaged to under go repairs in hostile waters, leaving them a sitting duck.
The Sydney: A turret is ripped from the ship & falls overboard,the command decks are badly hit with 20mm & 37mm gun fire.
Detmers reports the HMAS Sydney was limping away ablaze & badly damaged, but survived the engagement as he watched it sail over the horizon approximation 10,000 yards.
The engagement lasted just over half an hour.
I am mot going to list all the details here it's point less for a game but if you do want further info on this engagement email or alternitively
Here's the scenario: This is going to be a very quick game.
1x Perth Class light Cruiser (Sydney)
1x German Commerce Raider (HSK Kormoran)
19th November 1941
The Sydney was investigating the Kormoran due to radio messages reporting Commerce raiders where operating in the area.
The Sydney was not ready for an engagement nor was it battle stations when it moved towards the Komoran to investigate.The Kormoran was disguised as Straat Maalaka a Japanese merchant ship.
The vessels are 12" apart when the engagement starts.
The Kormoran get initiative for the 1st turn only!
The Sydney's 1st shots are at -1 to hit (historically 1st salvo missed) as it's taken by surprise.
Historical out come:
The Kormoran had Major damage to the engines & a huge blaze in the Engine room. Immobilizing the ship. so Captain Detmers decides to scuttle & abandon the ship. The engines are too badly damaged to under go repairs in hostile waters, leaving them a sitting duck.
The Sydney: A turret is ripped from the ship & falls overboard,the command decks are badly hit with 20mm & 37mm gun fire.
Detmers reports the HMAS Sydney was limping away ablaze & badly damaged, but survived the engagement as he watched it sail over the horizon approximation 10,000 yards.
The engagement lasted just over half an hour.