I've been building the campaign towards a session that would deal with one of the character's backstories. Since that player was absent from the last session, it was decided that he had struck out on his own, and the other characters were looking for him.
His backstory: Kanado is a deserter from the Aquilonian army. He had a fling with an officer's daughter, and had to flee for his life. That officer is a captain of the guard, and wants his revenge. Kanado's brother was sent off to die on the front lines. Documents have been forged that show the parents owe the captain large sums of money. In exchange for not throwing them in debtors prison, he will take Kanado's sister as his concubine.
Satuday's session started with the remaining character's (Kaz and Adambo) returning to their ship in Argos to find Kanado missing. A brief search led them a tavern, where he had been seen speakng with some Aquilonians. After stating there was a cash reward for information, they were told to meet an informant in a town square in the middle of the night.
Kaz and Adambo gathered 10 of their crew, and left a trusted follower in command of the ship. They went to the square at midnight (didn't bother to scout it out) and walked in to an ambush. The ensuing fight left them 4 shorter on their crew, and the market square in flames. They were able to make it back to their ship and cast off. Going on their best guess, they set sail for Aquilonia.
A few inquiries at riverside towns eventually led them to Tarantia. They found that Kanado was in imprisoned, and due to be executed at the week's end. His sister had been removed to the captains home, and was kept there forcefully. His parents were facing evicition from their home.
The next session will involve a jail-break, a rescue, and (if I know my players) an assassination. I'm looking forward to it.
His backstory: Kanado is a deserter from the Aquilonian army. He had a fling with an officer's daughter, and had to flee for his life. That officer is a captain of the guard, and wants his revenge. Kanado's brother was sent off to die on the front lines. Documents have been forged that show the parents owe the captain large sums of money. In exchange for not throwing them in debtors prison, he will take Kanado's sister as his concubine.
Satuday's session started with the remaining character's (Kaz and Adambo) returning to their ship in Argos to find Kanado missing. A brief search led them a tavern, where he had been seen speakng with some Aquilonians. After stating there was a cash reward for information, they were told to meet an informant in a town square in the middle of the night.
Kaz and Adambo gathered 10 of their crew, and left a trusted follower in command of the ship. They went to the square at midnight (didn't bother to scout it out) and walked in to an ambush. The ensuing fight left them 4 shorter on their crew, and the market square in flames. They were able to make it back to their ship and cast off. Going on their best guess, they set sail for Aquilonia.
A few inquiries at riverside towns eventually led them to Tarantia. They found that Kanado was in imprisoned, and due to be executed at the week's end. His sister had been removed to the captains home, and was kept there forcefully. His parents were facing evicition from their home.
The next session will involve a jail-break, a rescue, and (if I know my players) an assassination. I'm looking forward to it.