atgxtg said:
I started work on a Ancient Rome setting, and I would love to see your take on the galdius and spaetha (as opposed to shortsword and warsword). Even the sica would be good for the gladiators.
Looks like we're going similar ways, here!
For me the main reason for separating the weapons was for flavour rather than any belief that the gladius was a be-all-and-end-all weapon*. From my viewpoint use of weapon sub-types can help in a rapid cultural association (e.g. GM:"The group of guys just inside the town gates look a little too neat for street-thugs." Player: "Ok. Are they armed? What with?" GM:"Each has a gladius on the right and a dagger." Player: (Smile fades) "Not the legionairres, again...")
Excuse the following explanation, but I know some peeps may not appreciate the difference between a gladius/spatha/sica.
As far as I can seen, the gladius is probably the quintessential shortsword and can be classed as one. However, I felt that the gladius was mainly a slightly more efficient and better made shortsword than most of those around at the time, still mainly a stabbing weapon but with a useful edge. It seems slightly heavier and slightly stronger than its counterparts but the hilt isn't overly defined...4 AP perhaps, but I'm not sure (btw I don't think the
pugio can justify 4AP at all).
I don't think I could justify giving the gladius 1d6+1 damage, but should still do the same damage as a shortsword at least, so I'm tentatively experimenting (I suppose everyone is at this stage). The
spatha is a bit different, originally being a mixed-use cavalry sword and later evolving into more efficient versions for a sword of its length (cavalry preferred the spear iirc).
sica was effectively a curved long knife, but fairly solid, still, and was often matched against gladiators with gladius' so didn't seem to be that much inferior.
This gives the following (and, yes, I'm a bit wary of the +2's):
GLADIUS Skill:1H Sword, Dmg:1D4+2, STR/DEX:7/7, ENC:1, AP/HP:3/10
SPATHA Skill:1H Sword, Dmg:1d6+1, STR/DEX:11/7, ENC:2, AP/HP:4/10

agger, Dmg:1d4, STR/DEX:-/-, ENC

.5), AP/HP:3/6
SICA Skill

agger or 1H Sword, Dmg:1d3+2, STR/DEX:-/9, ENC:1, AP/HP:3/8
Hope these ideas help....
(btw pure "Daggers" (as in the RAW) I'm not making available.)
*e.g. along with the pila and longbow being "magic" weapons! It would be nice to see ranged weapons have reduced damage at longer ranges (cf Conan's reduced armour piercing at longer ranges), but that might get complicated. I also struggle with the idea of the AP of an axe being the same as a sword, but that's another problem...