S&P 36 Damage Tables


The new damage tables are out.

I think the Increased Damage tables are completely over the top (all the peeps complaining about Longbow damage before are gonna have heart attacks now :) ).

Though I have always felt the biggest reason the system may seem less lethal is the reduced effectiveness of criticals more than the weapon tables.

I for one plan to stick to the tables in the Core Rules.

MS did warn the tables could cause real problems, but I think was giving it as an example. I am happy (for now) withthe damage tables in the main rules but have added weapons useful for my campaigns, such as Rhomphaia, gladius, sica and spatha.
Rurik said:
The new damage tables are out.

I think the Increased Damage tables are completely over the top (all the peeps complaining about Longbow damage before are gonna have heart attacks now :) ).

What's a peep? Do you have a stat write-up?

Well I'll say this for Matt. When he said "extrem & lethal" damage tables, he wasn't kidding.
Then there are the reduced damage/D&D tales after the killer ones. I notice both tables give weapons the same AP vaules though.

I think I'll work up a variant damage table. Maybe I can get it printed in S&P? I could toss in that expanded armor table (I really think that if you cahnced the weapon damages you sort of need to change the armor tables).
atgxtg said:
Rurik said:
The new damage tables are out.

I think the Increased Damage tables are completely over the top (all the peeps complaining about Longbow damage before are gonna have heart attacks now :) ).

What's a peep? Do you have a stat write-up?

Peeps=people (on the board)

Stats, depends on who's asking. :wink:
Oh Dear.

Oh Dear.

They aren't fixes; one's instant death, the other play for a few hours to resolve a combat.

I think I'll be sticking with RQ3 damages as the adage "If it ain't broke don't fix it" springs to mind. It's the lack of the damage boosting specials and the armour ignoring criticals which make this system feel "not-RQ."
t-tauri said:
It's the lack of the damage boosting specials and the armour ignoring criticals which make this system feel "not-RQ."

Have you gotten a chance to actually play it yet? Because I did last night and the only thing that felt "not-RQ" to me was the hardback book in my hands instead of a selection of paper-bound, stapled "books" out of a box.

Granted, it's been years since I was fortunate enough to play RQ3, but to me, the overriding feeling is very similar.
iamtim said:
Have you gotten a chance to actually play it yet? Because I did last night and the only thing that felt "not-RQ" to me was the hardback book in my hands instead of a selection of paper-bound, stapled "books" out of a box.
Still waiting for the Companion and the Gloranthan material to show up. The few test combats I've run don't feel right. I need a fumble table and slashes. :)
iamtim said:
t-tauri said:
I need a fumble table and slashes. :)

Have you tried, perhaps, Rolemaster? :-D

Oh come one. THat's like someone asking for a drink of water and you tossing him into Lake Superior!

atgxtg wrote:
Then there are the reduced damage/D&D tables after the killer ones.

iamtim said:
You and your D&D comparisons. Smile

What? Dagger 1d4, shortspear 1d6, broadsword 1d8, greatsword 2d6. Most the weapons have the same ratings as in 3E. For the same effect.
Halfbat said:
MS did warn the tables could cause real problems, but I think was giving it as an example. I am happy (for now) withthe damage tables in the main rules but have added weapons useful for my campaigns, such as Rhomphaia, gladius, sica and spatha.

I started work on a Ancient Rome setting, and I would love to see your take on the galdius and spaetha (as opposed to shortsword and warsword). Even the sica would be good for the gladiators.
atgxtg said:

Sorry, as someone who's native tongue is not english. Exactly what does "tongue-in-check" _mean_? I know what the words mean, but what are the expression supposed to mean?

I have seen it sometimes, but I have never seen an explanation for this odd expression.

/Archer - In serious need of increasing his Lore (English Language Bizarre Knowledge) skill...
iamtim said:
t-tauri said:
It's the lack of the damage boosting specials and the armour ignoring criticals which make this system feel "not-RQ."

Have you gotten a chance to actually play it yet? Because I did last night and the only thing that felt "not-RQ" to me was the hardback book in my hands instead of a selection of paper-bound, stapled "books" out of a box.

Granted, it's been years since I was fortunate enough to play RQ3, but to me, the overriding feeling is very similar.

Have you played anything more than starting characters? I believe the low-level game will work fine. The question is once everyone is decked out in the best money can buy, will those weapons still be effective?
Archer said:
atgxtg said:

Sorry, as someone who's native tongue is not english. Exactly what does "tongue-in-check" _mean_? I know what the words mean, but what are the expression supposed to mean?

I have seen it sometimes, but I have never seen an explanation for this odd expression.

/Archer - In serious need of increasing his Lore (English Language Bizarre Knowledge) skill...

Tongue-in-cheek is a term that refers to a style of humour in which things are said only half seriously, or in a subtly mocking way.

Lord Twig said:
Tongue-in-cheek is a term that refers to a style of humour in which things are said only half seriously, or in a subtly mocking way.


Ah, thank you for enlightening me. :D

And thank you for giving me the reminder that I _should_ wikipedia this kind of questions first....
Lord Twig said:
Have you played anything more than starting characters?

In MRQ? No, it's only been out a couple of weeks. :-)

That said, they did have weapon skills in the 70s and 80s, and damage bonuses that averaged a d6.

One guy Charged with a war maul, hit, and the opponent failed his Dodge. 3d6+1d4 and the results were 6,6,6, and 4. To the chest, which had 3 points of armor.

Uhm... ouch.