Returning to ACTA

Be easy to commission a 3d Modeller to knock together a couple of ranges of ships and sell the lot as a print and play game, with the value add option for printed materials (both paper and plastic), and even that can be outsourced. There are a ton of decent modellers cranking out free spaceship ranges so I imagine some of them would be happy to be paid to do it :)
We would want a good miniatures range to go with it, and we don't really want to go down that route ourselves. The stars will align at some point though, so I think ACTA: High Guard (or ACTA: Traveller, or ACTA: Fifth Frontier War) will be on the cards at some point.
Don't get hung up on miniatures.
Cardboard tokens have been good enough for years, or there are the boxes used in AV:T, Renegade Legion etc.

3d Minis could be 3d printer files for people to print their own or get printed.
Yes, I don't understand that hesitation. There are many, many fine miniatures available in metal or as 3d files. It seems like a no-brainer to publish a version of ACTA High Guard, as Mongoose already has the IP.