Raven's Rules for Sorcery v 1.1

New Spell

Elemental Holocaust [Advanced Spell of the Elemental and Forces Sphere]
Power Point Cost: 8
Casting time: One standard action
Range: Close [Twenty-five feet plus five feet per level of Scholar the caster possesses]
Target: One living creature or object
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Reflex
Perquisites: Elemental blast; twelve ranks of Knowledge [arcana]; Basic Attack Bonus of +6 or higher; Basic Magic Attack Bonus of +8 or higher
Magical Success Roll: Sets Reflex saving throw DC

Elemental holocaust is a most unsubtle spell. The raw stuff of unformed Creation is set loose from the caster in such volume that all but the heartiest of opponents will rendered into fine dust. The target of this spell receives 18d6 points of Primal damage [i.e ignores non-magical DR] and the very air around them screams in agony. All objects and creatures within five feet of the target receive 9d6 points of Primal damage and all targets between five and ten feet away receive 4d6 Primal damage as. All creatures who receive damage from this spell may make a Reflex save against the caster’s Magical Success Roll to receive only one half damage from the attack. As with all its precursors, the caster of this spell may use any type of Elemental energy they wish.
Revised Spell

Demon’s Duel [Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere]
[was ‘Incantation of Amalric’s Witchman’]
Power Point Cost: 4
Casting Time: One full round
Range: Close [Twenty-five feet plus five feet per level of Scholar the caster possesses]
Target: One Outsider
Duration: Mortal
Saving Throw: Will
Perquisites: Forbiddance, personal ward, six ranks of Knowledge [arcana]; four ranks of Knowledge [outsiders]; Magical Attack bonus of +2 or higher
Magical Success Roll: Sets Will saving throw DC
Warning: The learning of and each use of this spell forces the caster to make a Corruption save

A spell not meant for human minds to know, demon’s duel originated not among mortal spell casters but among the princes and lord of the nether realms and Outer Dark instead. The spell was designed for formal duels between such great rivals whose magical nature would render themselves beyond harm by mere physical means. The spell was cast by both beings with then removed all magical protection from each duelist. To ensure the duel was fought to the death, their magical nature would only return upon the death of their rival.

How humanity learned this spell is open to conjecture. Legends tell of a young student of the mystic arts who happened to sleep near a grove that had been chosen as a spot for such duel. Awakened by the great and terrible being’s arrival, the youth listen fearfully as each duelist spoke this terrible incantation. The legend does not tell of the outcome of that battle, but does say that the boy crept away unseen during the battle after carefully memorizing the incantation.

The spell when cast removes all supernatural defenses the target may have. All supernatural DV is lost, the target become vulnerable to critical hits, sneak attacks, terrestrial poison, requires food, water and sleep and loses all ‘passive’ magical abilities and immunities to forms of damage. The caster had better be sure of themselves though. The spell does nothing to remove the offensive abilities of the being and since the spell will end the moment the caster dies, the target will likely bring all of its power to destroy the caster by any means necessary.
New Spell

Bless Blade [Advanced Spell of the Blessing and Protection Sphere]
Power Point Cost: 2
Casting Time: One full round
Range: Touch
Target: One weapon or piece of armor
Duration: One day per level of Scholar the caster possesses
Saving Throw: None
Perquisites: One Basic Spell of the Blessings and Protection Sphere; four ranks of Knowledge [arcana]; Magical Attack Bonus of +1
Magical Success Roll: DC 10

Bless blade is a common spell in the Hyborian Age. A simple spell it temporarily imbues a weapon or piece of armor with mystical energies. A weapon so enchanted may affect non-corporal creatures or creatures normally only affected by fire or silver weapons. The spell however provides no bonuses to attack or damage and is still affected by any DR the target may have. Armor so enchanted retains its DR value against magical attacks that would normally ignore such armor. [i.e Primal attacks like elemental strike] A shield thus enchanted would give its bonus to dodging magical effects.

This is a popular spell among those few Mitran priests who wield magic to provide their ‘chosen’ champions a better chance at dealing with supernatural threats.
I read your last email with the newet spells created / modified by you: thanks, Raven, most will see use (resp. their effects since my players are all non-sorcerous)!
You're welcome. That's why I post these things- so other people's games can be enhanced by the new stuff I create for my own players. Why should they be the only ones to suffer? 8)

Also, Rene did you ever get the master file of all I have written on the subject so far? I update it every time I make a post. If you [or anyone else] wants it just pm or e-mail me and I'll send it. It is rough right now, but eventually it'll morph into a small virtual sourcebook, I'm sure.

New Spell

Call Wraith [Advanced Spell of the Death and Destruction]
Power Point Cost: 2
Casting Time: One full round
Range: Far [One mile per level of Scholar the caster possesses]
Target: One wraith
Duration: Instant
Perquisites: Raise corpse; six ranks of Knowledge [arcana] or four ranks of Knowledge [Undead]; Magic Attack Bonus +2 or greater
Magic Success Roll: DC 14

Call wraith is a common spell among those who practice necromantic magic for good or ill. The spell sends forth a call for a specific entity resulting from the death of a creature commonly known as a wraith or ghost. Such spirits are those who Essence lingers among the material plane. Unlike summon animal though, the spell makes not a general call for any wraith, but must target a specific wraith- either one the caster is familiar with or knows of through some other means.

If the wraith is within the range of the spell, it will come to the caster at top speed. How long this takes depends on the distance between the wraith and the caster- wraiths normally move not much faster than a living mortal but immaterial they are not deterred by terrain or natural obstacles. When it does arrive, the wraith’s actions are determined by the nature of the wraith itself, Not al wraiths hate the living and many, if treated with some respect will at least be curious as to who has summoned them.

This spell often serves two purposes. Priests often use this spell in conjunction with endless rest to lay a ghost to rest, willing or no. Unscrupulous necromancers though use it to bind wraith to their service and use them as spies or magical guardians. Both types usually possess the control undead spell as well to help deal with ‘difficult’ wraiths. A third group that makes use of these spells are those who are comfortable with the presence of the dead and use it to attract spirits in order to gain the voluntarily assistance of the wraith in exchange for assisting the wraith in some way. Shamans also use it to call ancestor spirits for instruction and guidance.
New Spell

Whispers Beyond the Grave [Basic Spell of the Death and Destruction Sphere]
Power Point Cost: 1
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Close [Twenty five feet plus five feet per level Scholar the caster possesses]
Target: Self
Duration: One hour per level Scholar the caster possesses
Saving Throw: None
Perquisites: Four ranks of Knowledge [arcana] or two ranks of Knowledge [undead]
Magic Success Roll: DC 5
Warning: The casting of this spell may provoke a Corruption check- see below

More an ability than a spell, whispers beyond the grave opens the ears of the caster to the voices of the underworld. Thus the caster can hear the mumbled whispers of the wraiths of the departed about them. The use of the spell can be a little unnerving, as those casting it for the first time can be unprepared for the vast chorus of unquiet spirits within the world. Hyboria is a bloody and violent world and many restless souls wander the darkened hills and glades.

A person who utilizes this spell can find it useful in a number of ways. By ‘eavesdropping’ on the chorus of bodiless whispers, one can gain some useful information. Wraiths speak endlessly of the details surrounding their lives and deaths, being little more than memories themselves. Some are so entrapped in their pasts that they cannot interact with the living at all, but merely mutter to themselves or imagined [or not so imagined] beings. Other wraiths are more aware of their surroundings and can interact with the caster. Wraiths that can keep tabs on the waking world are valuable sources of information not only on the past but the present. They make incredible spies, being unseen and unheard but as they are usually bound to a person or place their range can be limited. Ghosts of sorcerers can impart magical knowledge and on rare occasions have been known to keep up research after their death. Wraiths often ask requests for such service though and often have their own agenda. Requests can be for anything from being laid to rest [see endless rest] to getting revenge on their killer to keeping tabs on still living loved ones. More Corrupted wraiths might have a twisted desire to be worshipped or even demand a living body to inhabit- or try and trick the caster into lower their defenses so they might take theirs instead.

Excessive use of this spell can be dangerous to the caster though. More than one caster has become partially unhinged by too great contact with the spirits of the underworld. In game terms, the caster must make a Corruption save every ten times they use this spell. Contact with Corrupt wraiths provokes Corruption checks inb the usual manner.
New Spell

Speech of Bird and Beast [Basic Spell of the Life and Nature Sphere]
Power Point Cost: 1
Casting Time: One full round
Range: Close [Twenty-five feet plus five feet per level of Scholar the caster possesses]
Target: Self
Duration: One hour per level of Scholar the caster possesses
Saving Throw: None
Perquisites: Two ranks Handle Animal and two ranks Knowledge [nature]
Magic Success Roll: DC 5

Speech of bird and beast is a common spell for shamans and witches. It lets the caster understand and speak the languages of any creature with the Animal template. What animals may have to say though depends on the circumstances. Wild animals are usually preoccupied with the everyday routine of survival while domesticated animals usually are more preoccupied with receiving affection, attention and food. Information garnered from them would be limited to what the animal is capable of understanding. Animals live a very focused mindset around their specific role in the world. Most concern themselves with the acquisition of food and water, mating and care of the young. They are also much less intelligent than humans and do not have much for memories. None the less, they can be useful sources of information. Anyone looking for a group of humans in a natural setting need only listen to the animals of the terrain to find them. To them, humans no matter how concealed stick out like a sore thumb. Need to find a dangerous predator menacing the landscape? The animals would know. They need to keep track of such a being to stay alive.

In game terms, the spell allows the caster to use the Gather Information skill by listening into the ‘chatter’ of the local animals. Note that information will be limited to what is important to animals. The fact that a robin thinks itself an ideal mate is not likely to be important to the caster, but the warning cries of the local herbivores that a wolf pack is approaching can. In addition, anyone using this spell while hunting game gains a +2 circumstance modifier to their Survival skill check.

Interaction with animals in conversation should be roleplayed though. Domestic animals start with an Indifferent attitude to all but their ‘owners’. What their relationship with their owners is depends on how the owners treat them. Wild animals are by nature usually Unfriendly to humans- humans tend to be a great threat to them. Priest of Jhebbal Sag the Earth Mother or other natural dieties, Children of Nature or Jhebbal Sag or those with a near total affinity with nature might get an Indifferent or better attitude from the animal. Certain predators that consider humans to be prey might start out as Hostile!

Note that this spell has no effect on sentient creatures- though certain exception like serpent men might be found.
Speech of Bough and Leaf [Basic Spell of the Life and Nature Sphere]
Power Point Cost: 1
Casting Time: One full round
Range: Far [One mile per level of Scholar the caster possesses]
Target: Self
Duration: One hour per level of Scholar the caster possesses
Saving Throw: None
Perquisites: Four ranks of Knowledge [nature]
Magical Success Roll: DC 8

Speech of bough and leaf is similar to speech of bird and beast save that it affects the world of plants. Those who first learn this spell may be in for a shock though. Few realize that the plants speak constantly- the moving of wind through boughs and blades of grass hum with a low murmur of conversation. Trees mumble about the water condition, grass speaks of the sensation a being walked upon and the slow mumble of fungus about the taste of rotting wood.

Humans cannot speak this language normally- the slow and steady speech of plants is too slow and steady for most minds to think in, much less speak. One can gain useful information though by listen in. The spell can act as a low grade sorcerous news about the goings on about the landscape as living beings and magic cause disturbances that plants can sense. If used to gather herbs, forage for food or find water, the spell gives a +2 circumstance bonus to the appropiate Knowledge [nature], Search or Survival checks. Lastly, since plants are very sensitive to the changes in the atmosphere, it gives a +4 bonus to the use of the Survival check to predict weather.

Note that the spell does work on intelligent and monstrous Plant subtype creatures. In the case of some like the malevolent Yogatha vine and the Black Lotus, the caster may not like what they hear.
Been away a while, but here's a few new goodies....

Revised Spell

Summon Entity [Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere]
[was ‘Summon Demon’]
Power Point Cost: 1/HD of summoned creature
Casting Time: Five minutes per HD of summoned creature
Range: Close [Twenty five feet plus five feet per level of Scholar the caster possesses]
Target: One Outsider
Duration: One hour per level of Scholar the caster possesses
Saving Throw: Will
Perquisites: Sign of the Voor; One rank of Knowledge [arcana] per Hit Dice of creature summoned or one rank Knowledge [outsiders] for every two Hit Dice of the creature summoned, Magic Attack Bonus of +1 for every 4 Hit Dice of creature summoned or higher
Magic Success Roll: DC 5 + Hit Dice of creature summoned
Warning: The learning of and casting of this spell may provoke a Corruption check

Summon entity is in fact not a single spell, but a class of related spells. Each type of entity has a separate spell for it. So summon entity- Fire Vampire, summon entity- Air Elemental, summon entity- Black Field are each in fact separate spells and must be learned separately. Summoning a unique Outsider, such as Thaug, would also require a separate summon entity spell as well.

Upon successful casting of the spell, the creature targeted by this spell may make a Will power save against a Magic Success roll of the caster. Most entities dislike being summoned by sorcerers and will resist the summons unless they know the caster well and have a good relationship with them. [e.g. Thaug and Salome] If the caster is successful and the creature is not, the creature them appears in a location within the range of the spell designated by the caster. Note that the spell does not provide the caster control of the creature- for that see bind entity below. Most casters summon the entity within a binding ward and/or have a spirit ward cast on them for a degree of protection should the creature prove hostile- and most will.

Modifiers: The caster receives +1 on their Magic Success rolls if they cast sign of the Voor in conjunction with this spell. The caster gains an additional +1 for each five ranks of knowledge [outsiders] they possess. In addition, the caster gains a +4 bonus to their Magic Success rolls if they possess the truename spell appropriate to the creature being summoned. The caster has a –1 penalty to the Magic Success roll for each point of Corruption they possess.

If the spell is used to summon a Corrupt being, the caster must make a Corruption test upon learning the spell and each time they cast it.
New Spell

Bind Entity [Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere]
Power Point Cost: 1 per 4 Hit Dice of the target creature
Casting Time: One minute per Hit Dice of the target creature
Range: Short [Twenty Five feet and five feet per level of Scholar the caster possesses]
Duration: One hour per level of Scholar the caster possesses
Target: One Outsider
Saving Throw: Will
Perquisites: One Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere; one rank of Knowledge [arcana] per two Hit Dice or one rank of Knowledge [outsiders] per four Hit Dice of target creature; Magic Attack Bonus of +1 per eight Hit Dice of target creature
Magic Success Roll: Sets target’s Will save DC
Warning: The casting of this spell may provoke a Corruption test

Bind entity, like summon entity, is a class of spells as opposed to a single one. Like the previous spell, each type of Outsider requires a separate spell to control it. Thus a bind entity- Fire Elemental would have no effect on a Black Field and vice versa. Unique Outsiders [e.g. Thaug] would require a bind entity spell unique to them as well.

Upon casting, the caster makes a Magic Success roll opposed by the target’s Will save. If the caster is successful, the entity is placed under control of the caster. If not, the caster likely has a very irritated Outsider on their hands and if wise has a great deal of magical protection.

An entity, once bound, is compelled to do as the caster desires. Note that the entity is still capable of interpreting orders ‘liberally’ if they choose to, making dealing with such entities dangerous. The smarter and more powerful the target, the more likely they can find a loophole in any given order. In addition a suicidal request or highly dangerous one allows the target to make another opposed Will save to break free of the spell.

Modifiers: The caster receives +1 on their Magic Success rolls if they cast sign of the Voor in conjunction with this spell. The caster gains an additional +1 for each five ranks of Knowledge [outsiders] they possess. In addition, the caster gains a +4 bonus to their Magic Success rolls if they possess the truename spell appropriate to the creature being summoned. The caster receives a –1 to the Magic Success roll for each point of Corruption they possess.

The use of this spell can morally tricky for the caster. The binding of Corrupt entities save for the express purpose of destroying or banishing them will provoke a Corruption save for the caster. In addition, binding a non-Corrupt entity without good reason will also provoke a check- the usurpation of the free will of such a being is not wise to do. In addition the caster is morally responsible for any action the bound entity takes- if any such action taken by the entity would provoke a Corruption save if the caster did it, then the caster must make a Corruption save themselves for being responsible for the allowing the act to happen.
Revised Spell

Banish Entity [Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere]
[was ‘Banish Demon’ and ‘Bind Demon’]
Power Point Cost: One for each 2 Hit Dice the creature possesses
Casting Time: One minute per Hit Dice of creature
Range: Short [Twenty five feet and five feet per level of Scholar the caster possesses]
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: One non-native Outsider
Saving Throw: Will
Perquisites: One Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere; One rank of Knowledge [arcana] for every two Hit Dice of the target creature Or one rank of Knowledge [outsiders] for every four Hit Dice of the target creature; Magic Attack Bonus of +1 for every four Hit Dice of target creature
Magic Success Roll: Sets target’s Will save

Banish entity unlike the previous two spells, is not a series of spells but as single spell that may banish any non-native Outsiders. If the caster of this spell fails to meet the requirements listed above for the targeted entity, the spell will simply not work- the targeted Outsider is just too strong

Upon the casting of the spell, the target must make a Will power save opposed by the Caster’s Magic Success roll. If the caster rolls higher, the target is banished to their home plane, be it Hell, the Outer Dark or someplace else. In addition, the target is prevented from manifesting on the caster’s home plane for a period of one year per level of Scholar possessed by the caster, unless returned to this reality by the appropriate summon entity spell. If the target is summoned to this reality during that time, the caster of the new summon entity spell must make an opposed Magic Success roll against a Magical Success roll of the one who banished the entity, The banishing sorcerer suffers a –1 penalty to their roll for each year that has passed since the original banishing due to the slow decay of the thier magical wards.

Modifiers: The caster receives +1 on their Magic Success rolls if they cast sign of the Voor in conjunction with this spell. The caster gains an additional +1 for each five ranks of Knowledge [outsiders] they possess. In addition, the caster gains a +4 bonus to their Magic Success rolls if they possess the truename spell appropriate to the creature being summoned. The caster has –1 penalty on their Magic Success rolls for each point of Corruption they possess.
New Spell

Binding Ward [Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere]
Power Point Cost: 2
Casting Time: Ten minutes
Range: Touch
Duration: One hour per level of Scholar the caster possesses
Target: Ten cubic yards per level of Scholar the caster possess
Saving Throw: Will [see below]
Perquisites: Spirit ward; ward area, eight ranks of Knowledge [arcana] or four ranks Knowledge [outsiders]; Magic Attack bonus of +2 or higher
Magic Success Roll: DC 15 plus special

Binding ward is designed to create a prison for the holding of Outsiders. Creating the warded area requires a DC 15 Magic Success roll to establish the area. Outsiders that enter the affected area cannot leave it by physical means, use the Manifest ability or otherwise leave by any other manner unless they make a successful Will save against a Magic Success roll made by the spell’s caster. A success on the Outsider’s part shatters the ward and ends the spell prematurely. Failure on the part of the Outsider causes it 1d4 points of damage for each two levels of Scholar possessed by the spell’s caster. [minimum 1d4; maximum 10d4] Most casters using summon entity usually cause the summoned creature to appear within such an area to better control the entity and give them time to bind it to their service.

Modifiers: Casting sign of the Voor in conjunction with this spell gives the caster a +1 in their Magic Success rolls. Possessing a truename spell for a creature caught in the ward gives the caster a +4 bonus in keeping the creature confined within it. The caster also receives a +1 bonus to their Magic Success rolls for every five ranks of Knowledge [outsiders] they possess. Finally, the caster possesses a –1 penalty for each point of Corruption they possess.
New Spell

Truename [Basic Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere]
Power Point Cast: 0
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Short [Twenty five feet and five feet for each level of Scholar the caster possesses]
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: One Outsider
Saving Throw: None
Perquisites: Knowledge of the target creature’s true name
Magic Success Roll: DC 10
Warning: The learning of and use of this spell may provoke a Corruption test

Again like summon and bind entity, truename is a series of spells as opposed to a single spell. Nor is it useful in of itself- truename spells are designed to supplement other Banishment and Summoning spells in regard to a single Outsider whose true mystical ‘name’ is known to the caster. Note that obtaining such a name is very difficult. Outsiders jealously guard their names from sorcerers and other Outsiders and working to destroy all those who know their true names and all written record as well. Such is their hatred that attempting to use bind entity to force an entity to reveal their true name will provoke an immediate Will save to break the spell with a +4 bonus on the bound creature’s part! If the caster wins this contest though, the bound creature must reveal their true name, giving the caster a significant advantage over them and enduring a deeper level of hatred by their unwilling servant.

The spell’s effect is to give a +4 to the Magic Success rolls of any caster who uses it in conjunction with any of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere’s spell for the one and only one Outsider for which the spell is for. The spell works only for individual Outsiders, not entire ‘races’ of such being. The truename of one Dimensional Shambler has no effect on any other of those foul creatures.

This spell is in obvious high demand for those who traffic with such beings. No mere Knowledge [arcana], Knowledge [outsiders] or Knowledge is Power will provide such information- the finding of such information is almost always a quest in of itself. [Rumors of the discovery of an ancient tome or codex with one or more truename spells will bring summoners from far and wide in an effort to obtain such knowledge- and destroy all other with such knowledge. After all, every slave can have but one master…..

Learning a truename spell of a Corrupt being provokes a Corruption test as does each use of the spell against it.
Revised Spell

Contact Entity [Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere]
[was ‘Demonic Pact’ and ‘Greater Demonic Pact’]
Power Point Cost: One for every five Hit Dice the entity or its avatar possesses
Casting Time: One minute for every Hit Dice the entity or its avatar possesses
Range: Interstellar [May contact any entity not bound against Manifestation in the caster’s world]
Duration: One hour per level of Scholar the caster possesses
Target: One Outsider
Saving Throw: None, but the entity may simply choose not to respond without penalty
Perquisites: One Advanced Spell of the Banishment and Summoning Sphere; one rank of Knowledge [arcana] for every two Hit Dice of the entity or its avatar or one rank of Knowledge [outsiders] for every for Hit Dice the entity or its avatar possess; Magic Attack bonus of +1 for each four Hit Dice the entity or its avatar possess.
Magic Success Roll: DC 5 + 1 for every two Hit Dice of entity or its avatar
Warning: The learning of and use of this spell may provoke a Corruption test

Contact entity is like summon and bind entity- a series of related spells and not a single spell in of itself. Each individual spell is designed to establish communication with a single otherworldly intelligence. Thus contact entity- Dekerta can only be used to contact that august individual and no other. Any sorcerer wanting to contact any other entity will have to learn or create a whole new spell.

Contacting non-earthly entities is dangerous even with the best of intentions. Most Outsiders motivations and desires have little to nothing in common with the human race and except for those who desire worship or other forms of terrestrial power there is little humanity can offer them. Some entities are so insular and intolerant of contact that they work to destroy any poor mortal who has gall to bother them. Most times the spell is cast, the contacted entity will simply ignore the caster and fail to respond. If an entity does accept communication with the caster, there is always a reason even if it is just simple curiosity as to why someone is trying to contact it.

Those that do respond to this spell often break down into two different camps. The first is those that a common interest with the caster such as thwarting the actions of the contacted entity’s enemies and rival, protecting people, sacred areas or relics important to the contacted entity. The other is to gain active worshippers and agents with the mortal sphere. Note that uncorrupted Spirits and avatars usually fall into the first camp while Fallen beings[those commonly referred to as ‘demons’] fall into the second camp.

Upon successful casting of the spell, the entity is aware of the identity of the caster trying to contact them. If the caster has a good working relationship with the contacted entity they entity will likely respond, either simply with telepathic speech or in rarer case, Manifestation of itself or in the case of a greater entity its avatar or divine messenger [angelous] Note that in the case of Manifestation the Manifested creature is not bound to the caster’s will or prevented in harming the caster in anyway. If the relationship between the entity and the caster is less than ideal, the caster would be wise to have at least one form of magical protection. This Manifestation may be the target of the appropriate bind entity spell but this sort of thing tends to sour a working relationship rather quickly.

Interaction with the entity is a subject of role playing as opposed to mere dice rolling. When playing in the role of the contacted entity consider what its desires are and what the caster can offer it. Fallen being desire worship and most especially sacrifice for the energy it gives them- most Fallen being no longer have access to the Power of their uncorrupted brethren and must resort to Essence given to them by their worshippers. Uncorrupted Spirits work to further their individual goals with the greater scheme of Creation and may see the caster as a potential ally/pawn/student in that goal. In either case, an entity that deigns to interact with humanity usually has a great deal to offer the caster. Even the weakest of Spirits has a command of the knowledge of Sorcery that would outstrip all but a human Adept of the arts. Greater entities, those often referred to as ‘gods’ by the masses, can offer the service of cultists, servitor beings, races and Spirits. Such favours do not come free though. The contacted entity will expect something in return- be it service, sacrifice or in the case of the Fallen, soul.

The learning of a version of this spell designed to contact a Corrupt entity and each casting of such a spell will provoke a Corruption check for the caster. In addition, this spell is considered ‘friendly contact’ with such entities for the purpose of provoking Corruption checks.

Modifiers: Casting sign of the Voor in conjunction with this spell gives a caster a +1 bonus for the Magical Success roll to contact the target entity. Each five ranks of Knowledge [outsiders] gives an additional +1 bonus. Casting the truename spell of the target entity in conjunction with this spell will give a +4 bonus to the roll as well, though is likely going to provoke an unfavourable reaction from the contacted being- such a spell is represents a great danger to them. Note that the truename of an greater entity cannot be used to bind it directly, but does pose a danger to any manifested avatar. However, the fact that most greater entities have mortal servants, servitor Spirits and can Manifest multiple avatars makes any attempt to bind a single avatar extremely foolish. As usual, each point of Corruption gives the caster a –1 penalty to the Magic Success roll.

Future entries on this forum or the ‘Conan and Cthuhlu’ forum will give typical entities to be used with this spell. In addition, these entries will be disseminated on the ‘Raven’s Gate Press’ e-mail mailing list run by your truly. Any one who wants to be put on this list send me an personal message with their e-mail address.
Y'know I hope someone is still reading this......

New Feat

Warder [Sorcery]

Perquisites: Base Magical Attack Bonus of +1 or higher; Access to the Blessings and Wards Sphere of Power

Description: The character is highly adept in the use of protective magic. They gain a +2 bonus to the Magical Success Roll when casting a spell from the Blessings and Protection Sphere of Power.
New Feat

Elemental Affinity [Sorcery]

Perquisites: Base Magical Attack Bonus +1 or higher; Access to the Elements and Forces Sphere of Power

Description: The character has a natural flair for power of the natural elements. They gain a +2 bonus to their Magical Success Roll when casting spells from the Elements and Forces Sphere
New Feat

Touch of Death [Sorcery]

Perquisites: Base Magical Attack Bonus of +1 or higher; Access to the Death and Destruction Sphere of Power

Description: The dark forces of Entropy seethe through the character. They gain a +2 bonus when casting spells from the Death and Destruction Sphere.
New Feat

Blessing of the Earth Mother [Sorcery]

Perquisites: Base Magical Attack Bonus of +1 of higher; Access to the Life and Nature Sphere

Description: The character is blessed by the Spirits of Creation themselves. The character gains a +2 bonus to their Magical Success Roll when casting spells from the Life and Nature Sphere of Power.