quick reference combat cards

Tigleth Pilisar

Banded Mongoose
1. Do you know of any "quick reference sheets" for combat? Both starship and ground combat. I'm looking for something that lists all the steps/actions consisely on one page. More point form or single words that hit all the key steps and modifiers in combat. Or does everyone either make their own or flip through the several pages that describe combat, or of course know it so well they don't need aid?

2. During character generation, if you fail survival and get a mishap, does it automatically mean you are ejected from the career?
Tigleth Pilisar said:
2. During character generation, if you fail survival and get a mishap, does it automatically mean you are ejected from the career?

Not all mishaps but some do result in the ending of that career for you.
AndrewW said:
Tigleth Pilisar said:
2. During character generation, if you fail survival and get a mishap, does it automatically mean you are ejected from the career?

Not all mishaps but some do result in the ending of that career for you.
And none cause Character Death!

SAD STORY: A friend of mine was at our local game store trying to stir up interest in a new Traveller campaign I was planning (Serenity universe). People were interested until one idiot playing in a diff game yelled across the room "Traveller? yeah that's the game where roll dice for hours and then you die at the end of character creation!"

Everyone took one look at my friend and just said "um... no thanks."
GamerDude said:
And none cause Character Death!

Well, there is that optional Iron Man rule...

GamerDude said:
SAD STORY: A friend of mine was at our local game store trying to stir up interest in a new Traveller campaign I was planning (Serenity universe). People were interested until one idiot playing in a diff game yelled across the room "Traveller? yeah that's the game where roll dice for hours and then you die at the end of character creation!"

Everyone took one look at my friend and just said "um... no thanks."

I take it your friend didn't get the chance to explain? It was that way in Classic Traveller but even then there was still an optional rule to muster out with an injury instead.
GamerDude said:
"Traveller? yeah that's the game where roll dice for hours and then you die at the end of character creation!"
A ... less than appreciated person ... on one of the forums I visit repeats
that nonsense literally every time Traveller is mentioned. :evil:
One could always counter with: at least one can get a crappy character to die during chargen, instead of being stuck with it dying during adventures...

(Irrationality always deserves its like ;) )
AndrewW said:
Tigleth Pilisar said:
2. During character generation, if you fail survival and get a mishap, does it automatically mean you are ejected from the career?

Not all mishaps but some do result in the ending of that career for you.
Actually, I believe a Mishap does always result in you having to leave the career:

Mongoose Traveller page 8 said:
Survival: Each career has a survival roll. If you fail this roll, roll on the mishap table. This mishap is always enough to force you to leave the service.
DigitalMage said:
...Actually, I believe a Mishap does always result in you having to leave the career:

Mongoose Traveller page 8 said:
Survival: Each career has a survival roll. If you fail this roll, roll on the mishap table. This mishap is always enough to force you to leave the service.
That page does state that - and that 'You loose the benefit roll for the current term only.', however, AndrewW isn't wrong - the book is!

Specific mishaps state otherwise. For example:
* Scholar Mishap #6 states '...you do not have to leave this career.'
* Scholar Mishap #5 gives you the option of losing all benefits, but not leaving career.
* Merchants Mishap #6 gives you the benefit roll of the current term - though you are kicked out.

There are many more examples just in the Core book alone.
BP said:
That page does state that - and that 'You loose the benefit roll for the current term only.', however, AndrewW isn't wrong - the book is!
So the real answer is....

Unless the Mishap explicitly states otherwise, yes a Mishap will result in you having to leave your career.
DigitalMage said:
BP said:
That page does state that - and that 'You loose the benefit roll for the current term only.', however, AndrewW isn't wrong - the book is!
So the real answer is....

Unless the Mishap explicitly states otherwise, yes a Mishap will result in you having to leave your career.
But not DYING!
Um.. well, technically there is the chance of death due to injury which can lead to an Injury Crisis (pg 37)- though the character can pay/go in debt to avoid death.

There is also Aging Crisis which is basically the same thing, except related to adverse effects of aging.