Emperor Mongoose
I did this with a Mining and Manufacturing Ship. Build 1-ton worth of Manufacturing Plant for each thing you want to build. Adv Electronics, Advanced Machine Parts, and Advanced Weapons would be 3-tons worth of Manufacturing Plant, Advanced. Do that for each category of item you would need to build the item. Basic, Advanced, Specialist, and Agricultural. Feed them from a Mineral Refinery/Smelter. Common Raw Materials for Basic Goods (Basic Machine Parts, etc) Uncommon Raw Materials for Advanced Goods (Advanced Electronics, etc) The Agriculture one produces whatever organics you need for bio-printing. The Specialist Manufacturing Plant uses Basic or Advanced Goods as the raw materials for Specialist goods (Robots, cybernetics, etc) I use a 50% rule across the board, since you have to go in stages of processing, but there is no waste.Any idea what and how those plants would produce the raw feed materials? Seems like a lot of things might go into different flavors for it. Raw materials for common items would be very different than high end computers for ships. What kind of setup would be needed and where would the supply lines come from to have what was needed? I suppose asteroid mining might get some of that is needed. There really aren't many details on feedstock.
I use the speed of construction as a maximum speed. Usually, it seems that I am more limited by the speed of the Manufacturing Plants to produce materials for the Fabricator, at least without having a very large workforce just to feed the Fabricator.
I suppose you could use the same rules in reverse for using the fabrication chamber to deconstruct items into their component parts, but you won't get a blueprint like you would with an actual Deconstruction Chamber.
Just My ideas. None of these rules are in the books. All are house rules.