Hi all,
I was reading the Core Rules for MGT2 and ran into a couple of gaps that I couldn't find anything to fill, so I'll give them an ask below.
2) Healing up on a lower TL world:
3) Non Lethal Damage:
Thanks much! I'm sure I will think up other questions, LOL. I appreciate any answers
I was reading the Core Rules for MGT2 and ran into a couple of gaps that I couldn't find anything to fill, so I'll give them an ask below.
- So, I saw a remark that said EDU damage was basically memory loss. Sweet, amnesia. But how in the heck is this accomplished? What sort of attack or what have you does damage to EDU? Is EDU 0 just complete amnesia or are you reduced to not knowing anything at all (even skills)?
- INT damage was a particularly glossed over one. There was nothing listed about what penalties to INT would represent. Aside from the obvious DM modifier to INT based stuff I could handily think up some limits to toss in until healed. But what gets me is INT = 0. I noticed that in the rules it said that Neurotoxins do 1D INT in damage. Soooo... what happens at 0 INT? IRL Neurotoxins kill you. Does this imply that INT = 0 is brain death? Game over?
2) Healing up on a lower TL world:
- So, when you take damage on a world that doesn't have cloned bits and pieces that can be neurally grafted in, synthetic organic or mechanical replacements, etc... How do you handle injury? The injury table in the book (listed for char creation) gives some hints to that, that would involve obvious lack of use of missing part, plus a stat penalty that lasts until you get to a high TL area and pay to have it removed. But how do you (ie: individuals on this forum, personally) handle injuries in combat? A fellow on the discord suggested that rolling for injuries when someone is downed (2 stats = 0 or more) is good, and I agree. But is there a chart somewhere in another supplement to help determine (fairly and randomly) what bit gets blown off? Or is it all homebrew or Ref choice?
3) Non Lethal Damage:
- So... stunners. After you wear someone's END down, they knock you out, for a number of rounds based on the damage. Is that the ONLY way to do non lethal damage? Can you choose to do non lethal damage with other weapons? Say: Grappling, Unarmed, or Bludgeoning? Or is this again in the Referee Fiat area of things?
Thanks much! I'm sure I will think up other questions, LOL. I appreciate any answers