Q: Humans and the extra feat and skill points?


Hi all,
I wonder if humans in Conan get the extra feat and skill points that they get in other d20 systems?

I haven't found anything about that in the rule book, but I might have missed it. But the examples that I have read have said nothing about it. granted, I have only had the rule book for a few days now so it might be mentioned somewhere.

I'll soon begin to create characters with my players and would like to know if they receive the feat and skill points for being humans.

No and no. In theory, one should be able to play Conan using books from the Conan series only, but in some instances you'll have to consult D&D, or make up rules yourself. One example of this is the special qualities of creature types.
Thanks for the quick answers. I have seen the bonus feats for being a favoured class and that's pretty good too.
the Hyborian race is the human equivalent of the DnD Human race in Conan, therefore is why the Hyborians take a feat bonus.