Eternalknight said:TheGreyLord said:I'd like to know how involved with the Lone Wolf RPG he was, and how much they asked him or referred to him for clarification.
The guys from Mongoose have stated a few times that Mr. Dever approved each and every page of the book.
Ah, there's a difference between approving, and being involved however...
I've ghost written quite a number of items which were approved, however the actual involvement was I was given an outline and notes on what was needed and wanted specifically, as well as items I was to include specifically, and the rest was written completely by me, and then approved. Happens all the time. I was hoping on knowing on how involved he was such as, was there daily discussion, did he give out the notes, and then meet weekly? Did he give out the notes and then when there were questions he expanded and explained? When he looked over the information, did he see the prewrite, the original draft, the revised draft and point out changes that needed to be made? How much or how little did he do this?
That type of stuff is what I'm asking. I believe it was also said that there were notes used, I'm was wondering how much Mr. Dever was involved with the creation and such? Sorry if I wasn't clear.