Linwood said:What would this look like in Traveller terms?
I could see the equivalent of one MEU being sufficient to establish control over a Lo Pop world or colony. Tech advantages could provide enough combat power to defeat much larger lower-tech units. I’m not sure how that would scale into maintaining control once the opposing field units are out of action.
Then again, MEUs aren’t usually tasked with long-term occupation. They’re more valuable as a mobile asset.
Well, planets are far bigger operational zones than an MEU is designed to handle. An MEU would only be expected to control a beachhead, with the ability to do force projections about 100 or so kilometers inland. But they certainly don't have the personnel to hold that area against a strong opponent.
For Traveller, to handle a planet, you'd need a lot more people. Perhaps it would be more likely that a Traveller MEU would be comprised of a battalion on a single ship. Much like an MEU, if you need more troops you add more ships with their own MEU's. That keeps units together and each ship has the ability to supply and support their own units. Additional support vessels would be deployed based upon need (fighter support, supplies, specialized units, etc).