Problems with the Shadakine Wytch/Wythc Chyld class.


Finally I receive today my copy of Magic of Magnamund from Amazon. One of my friends and me was reading the class of Shadakine Wytch/Wytch Chyld and we have a doubt about the Wytch Keys.
Is there any limit about how many keys could a Wytch carry with her at the same time?? Because Power Stones are limited by the Rank of Ritual Spellcasting.


P.S: On the other hand: Any Master has allowed that any of her characters use the Shianti Sorcerer class??
Kinai said:
Finally I receive today my copy of Magic of Magnamund from Amazon. One of my friends and me was reading the class of Shadakine Wytch/Wytch Chyld and we have a doubt about the Wytch Keys.
Is there any limit about how many keys could a Wytch carry with her at the same time?? Because Power Stones are limited by the Rank of Ritual Spellcasting.


P.S: On the other hand: Any Master has allowed that any of her characters use the Shianti Sorcerer class??

There is no limit to the number of Wytch Keys that a character can carry.
jup i as a gm have a shinati in my group, no problem at all

the only problem i have that another player want´s to play a dessi mage, and than i will have a problem with the power of the shianti player, but i will try to bring a vakeros or a second dessi mage into the group, because i found out that the willpower lending power is quiete powerful

just my thought :D
Methos, I have been working on a houserule that lets the dessi mage learn all spells from a single battle spell college of the vakeros. It makes sense, since it is the magicians of dessi who actually teach the vakeros their magic.

They will not get the college specialist ability, but they _will_ get the ability score increase once they master all spells from that specific battle college.