Printing PDF character sheet from website...any problems?!?


Hey, All! Still reading the rulebook and REALLY enjoying it! Can't wait to dive into Mr. Bubbles ASAP! :D MIGHT have to wait until early June as the end of the school year gets rather hectic...we'll see.

I printed out a number of the goodies from the website this evening. Two problems...the first page of the character sheet leaves out some of the skills when printed (they're ON the screen!) AND the Mr. Bubbles Spam sheet prints REALLY fuzzy. My printer or a common glitch? Of course, no biggie since the same stuff's in the rulebook... :roll:

Congrats, Allen and all others who worked on XP! This promises to be SOME fun! Hoping that my players will "get it" and have a good time with it! If, for some unforeseen reason, I never end up running the game, just reading the rulebook is worth the price of admission!!! GOOD TIMES!!! :lol:

Yosemite, try reducing the image size in the Acrobat Reader Print dialog box. That might help with the character sheet. As for the fuzziness, I'm afraid that's pretty much inherent in the original I got from the designer. One of these days I'll remember to hit him up for a clearer copy....
Thanks, Allen and LBH! Just one of those goofball glitches, I guess. As I said, hardly world-ending stuff as the character sheet's in the book! :wink:

I'm sure I'll have loads of questions and cries for help once I actually get a game up and running!!! I have a perfectionistic streak in me when it comes to certain things (like running games!!!). I'm trying to adapt my thinking to that loose-as-a-goose XP way of thinking! I think I'm gonna like it once it soaks in! All that looseness sort of boggles me at this point...... :shock:

Thanks again!

You;re welcome yosemite.

As for the loose way of thinking I've run the Mr Bubbles adventure twice with 3 of the same people playing both times and they almost didn't realise it, except for the guy asking for their names for the 25 cred reward.

Shoulda changed that!
