Printing errors resolution?



I apologize if this has been asked before, but in light of the errors that have appeared in the most recent printing (book 13) I'd like to ask again.

Like many, many others have voiced on this forum time and again, I was overjoyed at the reprinting of Lone Wolf. I dutifully and eagerly purchased each Collector's Edition as it came out each month. However, as the errors continued to appear in book after book, sadly even this hardcore Lone Wolf fan stopped purchasing the books. It pains me to say this, because I really do want to own the complete set of Collector's Editions. But ONLY IF they are going to be corrected. Which leads me to my question...

Is Mongoose fixing the printing/editing errors that have appeared in the collector's edition books and been discovered by the legions of committed fans, such as missing equipment lists, incorrect section numbers, incomplete or flawed action charts, etc? I heard at least one person mention that at least some printing errors in book 4 were fixed. Also, a missing section in my copy of book 3 was quickly discovered, resolved, and reprinted. This gives me some hope, although it still leaves me wondering about the rest of the books in the series and their myriad errors.

And if these errors are being fixed in subsequent printings, will those of us who purchased a collector's edition with errors be able to exchange it for one with the errors fixed?

To Mongoose and especially Mr. Sprange, thank you for your time and commitment to Lone Wolf fans. I sincerely hope that these editing errors will be somehow resolved, upon which time I will blissfully resume buying a new Lone Wolf book every month.

Best Regards,
No responses... does that mean there's no conclusion as to whether Mongoose is fixing the printing errors or not?
simkn said:
No responses... does that mean there's no conclusion as to whether Mongoose is fixing the printing errors or not?

Possibly, unless those in the know are too lazy to give an answer.
simkn said:
And if these errors are being fixed in subsequent printings, will those of us who purchased a collector's edition with errors be able to exchange it for one with the errors fixed?

Apologies, I missed this thread.

Where errors have been critical to the books, we have reprinted and swapped them out freely.

In those cases where the errors are not critical, they would be corrected and reprinted in subsequent runs, _if_ a new run is initiated (these are collectors editions, and thus limited by nature). If a new run is commissioned, then we would again swap them out freely.
Thank you Mr. Sprange for your response.

Now I have to ask the inevitable follow-up:

Naturally, I'm wondering what counts as a "critical" error. Presumably nothing in the rules counts as critical, nor the Action Chart (or do they?). What about a missing Equipment section?

I want to presume that incorrect links do count as critical (since the flow of the story is completely ruined by an incorrect page reference). There have been several books with this problem. And the mini-adventures themselves are the buggiest of all in this regard... do mini-adventure errors count as critical?

But hypothetical musings aside, I think the thing we most want to know is:

Is there any way to get a list of which books have been corrected and reprinted? Perhaps I have the option of swapping one of my books and I don't know it yet!

Many thanks,

simkn said:
Naturally, I'm wondering what counts as a "critical" error.

In the original printing of book 3 section 192 was missing completely (because someone had accidentaly put a picture on top of it). I'm fairly sure that was a critical error and it was spotted, reported and replaced rather quickly for us all :).
Balgin Stondraeg said:
simkn said:
Naturally, I'm wondering what counts as a "critical" error.

In the original printing of book 3 section 192 was missing completely (because someone had accidentaly put a picture on top of it). I'm fairly sure that was a critical error and it was spotted, reported and replaced rather quickly for us all :).

Agreed, my book #3 was promptly replaced as well, for which I was very grateful.

Which led me to wonder, will any of the other books with "critical" errors be similarly replaced?