Prime Directive...

Galahad64 said:
Are these all taking their inspiration from the FASA game designs, or are they coming from classic Trek?
Jean said:
We cannot use FASA. Deckplans must be built from the minis and the SSDs.
As Jean said, these are all new deck plans based on existing rules and data as published in ADB's Star Fleet Universe, which in turn is based on classic Trek (ST:TOS & ST:TAS).

Can a deck plan artist take "inspiration" from FASA designs or other sources? Sure. Can you use a direct copy of those plans? No, obviously not. Even taking a part and copying it over as-is would be problematic. Example: I had writer's block trying to make the HVAC systems, so I looked at Nick Blank's frigate plans and the FASA plans. Those gave me inspiration, but what I came up with looks nothing like what other plans used.

Does that make sense?
HI again...I just went to the release dates and noticed that they don't even show Prime directive as in 'writing'. I dont see it in there at all. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong list, but has there been any update as far as release dates?
I don't know about Mongoose, but ADB has said they need to give about four months notice to the distributors and stores before they release a new product. And they don't like to make such notice until said product is done and pretty much ready to go. If they should announce when the product is only half written, and they guessed wrong about how long it'll take to finish ......
Sgt_G said:
I don't know about Mongoose, but ADB has said they need to give about four months notice to the distributors and stores before they release a new product.

It is that way with all us print publishers.
How is Traveller Prime Directive doing? I've been figuring out height and weight ranges for the species. Will a Jindarian fit in a Prellarian home? Can you reasonably expect a Slirdarian Marine to investigate an abandoned Tholian ship? With these figures, you will know!
We are moving along with Traveller Prime Directive. I'm working with Mike West to make the final author corrections to Chapter 2 before we send it out to our TPD Team. Doing the happy dance!
Status report: the PDF of chapter 1 has been sent to the TPD Team.

Chapter 2 needs a few tweaks and the draft, minus some art, will go out to the TPD Team.

Today I'm starting the final markup of Ch. 3. That means I fix all typos I spot, mark all things that need Mike's attention, mark everything that must wait for a final copy (see p. ZZZ for AAA chart).

It's really coming together nicely.
<giggle> I wish I had George's moves.

Still working on Chapter 2's fixes. I had done something about languages and it all needs rewording just slightly, but there are lots of species in the SFU, so it adds up.

And I'm working on Chapter 3.
"Excellent! Can't wait. Minion, fetch me the ADB Motivation Improvement Device..."
"You mean the tazer, sir?"
"Shh! Don't tell them that, they might be reading this!"
So you know where TPD stands:

On Traveller Prime Directive and the Past and the Future
Jean Sexton writes:

One of the most anticipated RPGs that we've worked on is Traveller Prime Directive. We thought it could be done while I lived in North Carolina, far from the computer files for the product. We were wrong. No one already in Amarillo really had the spare time to work on layout, to fix the fiddly bits, and to make the book come together. It had to wait until I moved to Amarillo. Now I can work on layout, fix the fiddly bits, and work with people to make the book be a reality.

What we've done in the past is simply swap out RPG System 1 for RPG System 2 when we did the books. We left out some of the various species when we went from GURPS to the various d20 versions and we've never heard the end of it. The players felt cheated, but we made sure that they were all included in the "sourcebooks" for empires -- and we intend to make sure they are part of the systems' next non-empire-specific book. We learn from the past and we will try hard to not make those mistakes again.

What does the future hold? Traveller Prime Directive, for sure. It may have a different organization -- I want to learn from people experienced in RPGs, not just go on what I think, what I like, what I feel. I want the Traveller players to have the feel of holding a well-edited Traveller supplement that covers the Star Fleet Universe. I want them to have some facts they may never have had about alien species before. It seems that so much of Traveller universe takes place in such a small area that the humans haven't encountered many aliens. One thing is certain about the SFU and that is we have aliens: lots and lots of aliens. I want the players to be able to be the bridge crew on a starship if that's what they want. I want them to be able to be traders to the stars if that's what they want to be. Spies? Sure! Who knows what secrets (and skills) that lovely Orion dancing girl has? Maybe you are Chantelle Kambanga, known throughout the Alpha Octant as the best person to explore ancient civilizations -- you and your team have actually lived through two other excavations!

What we want is to learn from our past and in the future bring you the best Traveller Prime Directive that we can. It's going to be a great book and RPG. 4 months ago I asked if there was any progress and all I got was they were still working on the 1rst Chapter. Before that we got things about people moving and not enough staff and extra ship maps that were required. That was at the beginning of last year when the book was still on the release list (It disappeared soon after that. In all honesty..has this project been put on the back burner? It seems like it stalled. Any word for faithful fans?

Galahad64 said:
In all honesty..has this project been put on the back burner? It seems like it stalled. Any word for faithful fans?

The topic has moved to the Prime Directive forum at Starfleetgames. Species are being corrected from their initial draft of chapter 5 I think. The book is said to be out before GenCon 2014.