Prime Directive...

Nerroth said:
As I mentioned further up the thread, there are numerous "strains" of Tholians in the Star Fleet Universe. But the dominant "Pillar" strain has no legs, and possesses a limited means of hovering above the ground instead.

Actually, if you want to see a preview of how the Tholians would be detailed in Prime Directive (along with a bunch of other fiction and background articles of note), there is a set of files sieved out of various issues of Captain's Log and grouped in one place in Away Team Log. ATL is available right now on Warehouse 23 and DriveThruRPG, while the print edition should go to press in the near-to-mid future. (You can see a list of documents in this file here.)

Away Team Log is ruleset-neutral, so should work just as well as a resource for Mongoose Traveller players as it would for those of GURPS4e and D20M. (There was talk at one point of a series of supplements supporting the ATL material in each ruleset, but I don't know what the current story is on that front.)

Actually as I recall, in the original series, they never showed a Tholian, all they showed was their starships, the first time we ever got to see a Tholian was in the Enterprise episode "In the Mirror Darkly", so there is nothing to say that SFU Tholians don't look like that, and to tell you the truth, I kind of liked they way they looked, and also that they were silicon based life forms that shattered when they got too cold. I also like the Enterprise version of the Gorn, instead of the "rubber suit" Gorn that Captain Kirk encountered.
Commander Loskene appeared on the viewscreen in The Tholian Web, but you could only see so much of his/her/its form there.

The crystal-arachnid form used for In a Mirror, Darkly was one possible extrapolation of what else comprised the Tholian phenotype. The SFU's "Pillar" Tholian as detailed in Away Team Log is another.

That said, the article in ATL does note that several alternate types of Tholian evolved on the ancestral world of Tholia Prime, including the "Tholped" form. But the "Pillar" Tholians were the ones which became the main type of Tholian involved in running their star-faring civilization.

I would recommend giving Away Team Log a look, if you were thinking of sampling more of the universe while waiting for the Traveller: Prime Directive core book to be published.

Indeed, since you mention the Gorns, there is an article in ATL covering the history, culture, and society of their Confederation. Plus it includes a planetary survey of Skoleos, a Federation member world whose salamander-like inhabitants often go "off-world" to serve in the Confederation Navy, rather than with Star Fleet. (Like the Gurkhas who serve in the British, Indian, and Nepalese armies, the Federation "looks the other way" when Skoleans go to serve with their Gorn allies.)

I should note that because of this Gorn connection, the Skoleans were not featured in Prime Directive Federation. They will be included in the future Gorn sourcebook instead.
I saw the talk in another thread about the "space gypsy" concept in another Traveller-supported setting.

While they are quite different in nature, I thought it worth mentioning the closest equivalent to that setup seen in the Star Fleet Universe: the Jindarian Caravans. This species lives a wholly nomadic lifestyle, with each caravan based around a series of asteroid ships and supported by smaller "metal-hull" vessels. They have been in space for about 100,000 years, and have been encountered in the Alpha Octant, the Omega Octant, and the Lesser Magellanic Cloud. But no-one knows exactly where they originally came from. Each group of caravans only knew about the others in their "home" operating regions, until they each learned of their more distant cousins late in the SFU timeline.

The Jindarians of Alpha tend to keep to themselves, for the most part. The Jindarians of Omega have a permanent one-hex territory on the map, called the Jindarian Freehold. While the Jindarians of the LMC made their asteroid shipyard technology available to the local Jumokian pirates, who in turn passed this knowledge on to the Magellanic exiles in order for them to survive the long decades of Andromedan occupation.
HI...Is there any update on a release time frame for Prime directive. Also, will there be any companion books available?
This is the answer I got on the Federation Commander forum
@ Jean and @MSprange
So it's in the works - but realistically, given it has been for two years or so now and all the delays and false starts so far, is this now a month away? three months? six months? a year? a bit longer? or is it just vapourware at this point?
I'm sure that people looking at the above post will have gone to the first post in this thread to check - then scratched their heads in puzzlement! :twisted:

Does anyone know the status of PD? I'm intrigued by how the Ship combat stuff will work, as much as anything.
The ship combat system is still in playtest. We are doing some major rearrangement to make the book stronger.
Fair enough. I'd rather see that properly fleshed out, and I realise that this setting involves more divergence than normal from the 'standard' traveller rules due to...well....FTL, Shields, you name it...
Galahad64 said:
...But is there anymore guess as to the release date.

Not a clue, which is an incredibly disappointing situation to be in after (what appeared to be) a great start with regular updates.

It looks as though, rather than having a Traveller product that we could really get behind and support, ADB may have to 're-sell' the concept to us all over again. Too many delays and not enough done to keep interest going.

I was really enthusiastic about this line of products when it was first announced and when we got a few more updates through. Unfortunately, I am very disappointed now and losing a lot of interest; time for ADB to step up and really promote this product.
Jean, I'd like to discuss an idea I have, that I think ADB must know about and at least tacitly approve before I go ahead with it - could you please drop me a note off-forum at
picking through the last several posts, this product appears to still be breathing. But it looks like there's little hope. Do I have that about right?