lol. for the record, i never said we should get rid of 'Babylon 5', ONLY that we should make 'A Call to Arms' more noticeable, since that is the name of the game and at the moment its a bit unreadable (at least at my resolution).
Heres an entirely uncontrived situation:
At a gaming group near you:
"Lets meet up and play B5 tonight?" says the group leader.
"Sure!" the gaming group reply.
Later that evening, some turn up with FA ships, some with RPG playsheets, two die hards with GROPOS, and one confused guy with some action figures and the leader wanted to play ACTA!
The leader sighs and says "If only I had noticed what the game was called, but the logo was unreadable!".
if you don't think Babylon 5 should be the most prominent thing on it then niether does A Call to Arms since that was just named after a telemovie and really has nothing to do with the mechanics.
I shall bite back my initial sarcasm.

Im not trying to de-B5 the game, only distinguish it with a (readable) name of its own. Sheesh!
EDIT: something like this, nice and clear:
pheer my l337 ph0t0sh0p ski11z!!!11
Seriously, probably should have a ship (whitestar?) coming out of the starfield or some such or perhaps replace the star field with a hyperspace portal. Needs a contrasting colour in there too, probably gold/yellow.