Pocket Traveller

So I have finally decided to acquire the core book. I have seen there is a pocket edition, does it contain the same information as the "standard" sized one? Does it include the errata?
I have seen there is a "foot note" document, so perhaps other things are missing?

The first pocket edition (core) was missing footnotes (and some multiplication symbols), but otherwise identical - even to page numbers (nice).

IIRC, the errata (Player's Guide) info mostly came from the first printing of the larger book and was already addressed when the first pocket edition came out.

Can't speak to latest printings...
Recall posts to that effect - but the best answer would come from Matt or MGT staff directly (you can PM them - they are busy folks, but also most helpful)...

FYI: Also, ordering direct from Mongoose or a local gaming shop who does so for you would ensure a latest copy - in the past there have been posts related to HG and Mercenary where folks got really old stock from places like Amazon.
rinku said:
I've got 2nd printing pocket and it's identical to my friend's 2nd printing hardback.
Thank you for the information! I would take the books off Amazon, since they are at half price w.r.t. the moongose website, but it's hard to tell which printing it is. :?
Ordered mine from Mongoose on 2nd August..and still waiting...the suspense is just killing me. Pity there's no post on a Saturday where I live. Can't wait to get my hands on it and start playing
Ignore my last post!! The pocketbook arrived today and I have to say that it is absolutely brilliant!! The font size is small but not uncomfortable to read. In fact after reading several reviews of this edition I was expecting it to be impractical to use. Not so. It's perfect, and the small book format is great for me as I can take it anywhere. This is going to be useful when I am waiting at the school for my kids and I will be able to read it in the car. Well done Mongoose Publishing. Now to read, absorb, and learn the rules so we can get playing.
I only have the pocket edition and it doesn't look like there's any footnotes. Am I missing anything important?
Thanks BP.
I can see why they were left out (that's if they were left out intentionally).
I will keep that pdf as a print-out though.

No problem - IIRC the only thing I really missed from this was the P.P. Fuel requirements (which was posted by a helpful forum member at the time).
In addition to the fuel reqs, I think the TAS travel designations and the ones that give a result on die roll should have been included. The "flavor text" is no great loss, game-wise.